Red Blue Yellow : Meat Packing Apple Store : New York City
Me and Matt have been working away up in Niagara Falls this weekend ....... more about that later .......... I shot this above while buying a couple of hard drives…
Me and Matt have been working away up in Niagara Falls this weekend ....... more about that later .......... I shot this above while buying a couple of hard drives…
Me and Matt have been working in NYC this week :-))) Last night we decided to call in on our mighty Insight-Visual colleague Greg Morris who was shooting the official…
I went to visit my brothers grave up in 'The Midlands' before I flew back to the US. In the graveyard I made this picture of a rook or maybe…
I was keeping this photo to run on the big day. But it actually seemed kind of wrong when it came to it. But hey you gotta enjoy this one…
This is the cover of a new album out to day ...... by 'The Hurriers' Barnsley's finest ...... as they put it a proper socialist band like every town needs…
I wrote the angry response below when I heard the religious speaker Anne Atkins on ‘Thought for the Day’ condemn the life and work of the South African photojournalist Kevin…
While we are on the theme of pictures of pictures ....... here is another picture of some of my published work .... It shows portraits of my friend the artist…
Its always great when your friend brings a gift of Champagne...... and chocolate eggs....... oh and the first copy I have seen ....... of my front cover picture featuring extreme…
Some people in the Philippines like to take Easter celebrations very literally. I was chatting with a phone banking person the other day when I found out she was helping…
I read this today on the AP news wire : - "NEW YORK (AP) — New York City’s storied yellow cabs are outnumbered by limos and black cars. Uber cars,…
This was shot at the last solar eclipse that I saw....... I think it was back in 1999 ....... Anyway these sun worshiping Druids were certainly partying like it was…
Yeah I can hear those giant jets coming in....... but I cannot see them........... best not to think about it ......... Wheels up in the big ATL :-))) XXXXXXX Cheers…