Container Port at Felixstowe : Suffolk : UK

Container Port at Felixstowe : Suffolk : UK


I am still in London ……. Bit of work ……. Bit of messing about with friends ……… I even watched some TV ……. I watched Evan Davis’ program on the economics of London vs The economics of the UK …. Called ‘Mind the Gap’ …….. it was interesting and London comes out looking kind of mega with everywhere else in the UK struggling to keep up …….. it was amazing how all the places in London I used to hang out in ….. back in the day …… have become the total drivers of the economics of the Capital ……… notably Silicon Roundabout …….. Insight and Image.netboth started there……. I think was the first digital company to be based there …….. hehehehe…….. probably not true …….. but back then it really was not the hipster hang out it has become now………… perhaps we should have bought some property there back then ? …….. oh well ……… hehehehe………. :-))))))))))))

Boris Johnson the Mayor of London claims something along the lines of … London is the best Capital in the world …….. not sure you can really claim that without inviting contension …….. but it certainly looks pretty mega from the top of Tate Modern were he is interviewed in Evan’s Show.

I had not even realized a whole new container Port ‘The London Gateway’ in being developed at Thurrock on the Thames really to service the increasing demands of London …….. I made this picture above when I photographed the container Port at Felixstow …….. the other mighty container Port that already services London …… and the rest of the UK.


[ 11 ] comments

  • Busy busy in this picture it does seem to project the growth of London, nice shot.

    Passkutchi @ March 10, 2014, 7:19 am

  • These places are incredible …….. you can feel globalization on the march as you stand and watch :-))))))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ March 10, 2014, 7:48 pm

  • Nice shot JC … Where u been?

    Caroline G @ March 10, 2014, 11:50 am

  • In all the most happening bars and places in Old London Town :-))))))))) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ March 10, 2014, 7:46 pm

  • At last, you have appeared again…We were all wondering what capers you were getting up to this time… Hope all is good Bro..Stay Safe xx

    PaulS @ March 10, 2014, 3:07 pm

  • Im weirdly having some time away from the digital………. its oddly like being back in the 70’s bro ……… we should regrow our long hair and start head banging hehehehe………. i could find a call box with the reasuring whiff of Brew 11 having passed rather rapidly through a Kings Norton resident ……. then get out my old 2pence and my old ten pence then dial you up ready to insert said monetary units …………. we could communicate the way people did back in the day…….. er ….. piss phone box……. hmmmmmm……… on the other hand maybe I should start blogging a bit more regularly again hehehehehe………..Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ March 10, 2014, 7:46 pm

  • Some of us never left the `70`s dude… :?)..And Bernie still charges me to use the phone, no strange smells abound though.. Hee hee, oh yes the good old days… Well lets hope you aint forgot how to use the new fangled digital when you pick it back up Dude…Hope the family and yourself are good Bro xxxx

    PaulS @ March 11, 2014, 3:01 pm

  • Photojournalism in the days before cellphone involved hours of messing about in piss smelling call boxes…. There are some mighty aspects to the communications revolution …. And the fact that deadlines and instructions do not require the use of gut wrenchingly stinky call boxes has gotta be high up…. On the reasons to leave the 70,s well alone…. On the other hand there are those mighty 70,s muscle cars … Boss Mustangs and Pontiac Firebirds…. The like of which we unlikely to see again hehehehe…… Yeah a mighty decade …. I always tell people I was struck by lightening in the 70’s and I’ve been stuck like this ever since….. Hehehehehe….. Cheers bro Jez XXX

    Jezblog at midnight London @ March 11, 2014, 9:15 pm

  • Ian Dury and the Blockheads… Z Cars… Kenny Evrett on the telly…2p on the bus anywhere….. I miss the 70s.

    Lee @ March 11, 2014, 5:23 pm

  • That actor who died who had been on Z cars…. Never heard of him I thought…. Right up till they played a clip of his voice I was immediately transformed into an 8 year old excitedly watching Z cars On a B& W TV ans singing along to the theme tune …. I remembered exactly how that Irish lilt sounded in the desk sergeant …. And the theme music….. Ah yes 2p to go anywhere and a trip to gas street Basin was like visiting the surface of a strange moon …ah yes those where the days my friend :-)))))) XXX

    Jezblog at midnight London @ March 11, 2014, 9:04 pm

  • Reasons to be cheerful ….. Part 3 ….. :-)))) XXX

    Jezblog at midnight London @ March 11, 2014, 9:06 pm

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