Most people might prefer a different Saturday night out ……… but I have to say I really enjoyed my Saturday night out in Queens at a big Taxi
Garage yesterday ……… I love the privilege of being able to see what people are working on behind the scenes ……… as you know doubt are
aware if you read this blog … I especially enjoy anything to do with the New York City taxi industry …….. Ray here is a mechanic working away
in the middle of the night keeping the classic Yellow Beast Cabs rolling 24/7 …… he is keeping his companies fleet of Ford Crown Victoria’s on
the road despite the fact its late on Saturday night …….. he loves and respects those mega Crown Vic’s ………. he says they are serious work
horse vehicles ……. he could rebuild one from bits blindfolded ……… he is a fine bloke …….. he and Franklin a long time NYC cabbie from
Trinidad tell me all about the Carnival celebrations in the Caribean and about West Indies Cricket :))) ………… Hassan and Ashek and all the drivers who bring their vehicles in for a rapid check up …….. or limp in with something more serious for Ray to fix are also very friendly welcoming guys, like I say others might prefer a different kind of Saturday night out on the town …… they might not chose this …….. but hey ……. call me crazy …….. I really enjoyed the privalege of being allowed to temporarily join up with and photograph this fraternity of cabbies and their mechanics in Queens in the middle of the night.
Cheers Jez XXX
PS……. Hey Jacko I hope all is good in Vietnam ……… I see you r experiencing something of a drasic typhoon…….. hope all is good for you
and all your friends ……… Cheers Bro Jez :////////
[ 19 ] comments
nice one JC, nice to see you returning to the taxi theme 🙂
kathy K @ November 11, 2013, 1:42 am
Thanks u know I love a good taxi story :))
Cheers jez XXX
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 11, 2013, 9:19 am
Fortunately for me anyway that monster typhoon is heading north, all weather here has been relentlessly hot, the more northern coastal
regions and Hanoi are going to get it though…apparently it’s lost some strength now, but still terrifying (check the National Geographic
infrared photo of it from space) Poor guy I work with has a wife and kids in the Philippines right under its path :((
WackoJ xx @ November 11, 2013, 2:24 am
All is fine down here in HCMC dude, more heavy duty up north!!
Wacko Jacko xx @ November 11, 2013, 2:25 am
Yes, I thought that was the case but I was half thinking u were away somewhere on the coast……. any way glad to see it seems to
me so far that Vietnam didn’t seem to get the hit the Phillipines has taken……. that is so drastic and sad …….. terrible stuff to
behold………. Im vvv glad u r doin OK bro …….
Cheers Jez XXXX
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 11, 2013, 9:24 am
Yes it is a truly awesome, terrifying thing, .guy I work with has a family in the Philippines, who live right under the Typhoons
path,poor guy is rightly worried sick about them…
Wacko J xx @ November 11, 2013, 12:38 pm
Woooow thats terrible bro. I really hope they are OK. Its such a devestating Typhoon the TV from the Philipines looks
truely terrible. I do so hope his family are OK it must be so worrying for him ……. certainly puts every other slight concern
in perspective :/
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 11, 2013, 1:54 pm
Infact did you see that Nat Geo infrared photo taken from space of that thing..truly..awesomely terrifying…Guy I work with has a wife
and kids who live in the Philipines, right under where that thin hit and he hasn’t been able to get in touch :((
Wacko J 2 xx @ November 11, 2013, 4:56 am
A fine way to spend a Saturday night..even better when your driving one of those beasts through the city with the madness of a Saturday
night NYC crowd, and maybe even make a few bucks too. Ha!
KING OF NEW YORK HACKS @ November 11, 2013, 6:01 am
Spoken like a true cabbie :))
I gotta get out there and give it a go :)))))
I was hearing the whole different strategies of how to make
money on a Saturday night……. where to be for the best fares ……. how not to end up in Brooklyn …… and the ins and outs of how
not to get a ticket turning onto 23rd etc…… :))
How to ring the cops not attempt to wake the drunken girl yourself who is sleeping in
the back of your cab outside her apartment …….. In fishing you hear ‘the one that got away’ tales the equivilant in taxi tales has to
be the fare to Boston that almost was……… hehehehehe …… Hope all is good bro come for a coffee if you are in Chelsea today
Monday or Tuesday :)))
1/9/2015 j e z b l o g
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 11, 2013, 9:38 am
Sounds like a great way to spend any night…hope all is good.
Harv.! @ November 11, 2013, 11:40 am
hehehehe…….. It certainly works for me :)))))))
Im good hope u had a great saturday night too …….. Lets face it ….. I think some of
your subjects have more obvious glamour to others :)))
…….. but the secret life of the New york Taxi does something for me …….
Hope all is good bro Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXX
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 11, 2013, 12:38 pm
You could have taken on the role that DannyDe Vito used to play in the comedy..Called Taxi curiously.. :?)..Not that you look anything
like the little man of course…Fingers crossed for all concerned with the Phillipines.. Stay Safe Bro
PaulS @ November 11, 2013, 4:47 pm
Weirdly I never did watch that and yet I can remember the music? How does that work ? He is a famed film star sadly I do not look
like a famed film star hehehehe………
Yeah that whole business in the Philipines……… woooow……. drastic and sad………. lets hope Jackos friend’s family and as many
as possible can make it through ………. terrible and totally drastic stuff :(((((
Cheers bro…… Hope all is good with you and yours…. Stay Safe Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXX
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 11, 2013, 5:00 pm
Just heard that he’d finally managed to contact them, they are okay..
Wacko J xx @ November 13, 2013, 10:38 pm
Well thats brilliant news he must be so relived pass him my good wishes i was rooting for him……. its great to get some
news outta there right now :)))))))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 14, 2013, 12:52 am
David Hoffman awards an honorary doctorate by the University of East London!!!
The Bolshoi xx @ November 15, 2013, 12:25 pm
Yes I saw that ……. for services to litigation…… hehehehe ……. nah …… you know what I think its great that he has been honoured
he was already the old war horse of anti fascist photography ……. and political/protest street photography…… when I joined the
crew of pro London political/ streets/ social documentary types way back in the day when I first joined Report/IFL ……. its always
certain types that are recognized ……. from the Great and the Good……. not normally the Hoffmans of this world ……. I salute them
at East London for recognizing his life long contribution……. and I most certainly salute him in achieving this recognition……. and of
course for doing all the years of work that more than justifies a little recognition :)))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ November 30, 2013, 2:32 am
I meant awarded..useless kindle!!
Huge Grunt xx @ November 15, 2013, 12:25 pm