Red Flag : The Hamptons NY : USA

Red Flag : The Hamptons NY : USA


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I’m in the Hamptons again now , just kickin back. Its night time now so I cannot now see the ocean ……… but I can still hear the sound of the
waves coming through the open window ……….. I am so lucky to be able to spend time here, :))))))))))))))))))))

[ 13 ] comments

Nice,nice…About time you chilled out fora while Mate..Wont last long though will it?Duty calls etc.. We all love the sound of the sea dont
we?..Is it because that`s where we came from??.. Relax..Stay Safe Bro… swimming hee,hee
PaulS @ August 8, 2013, 1:06 am

A few days is good Paul…. although if it were possible a long time would be even better……… when i come here to kick back for
some reason Matt always gets me something specacular to be shooting somewhere else ……. thats the rules bro ……. seems like
the same is happening again as ever ……. still a few days in the Hamptons is so nice, memorable and relaxing maybe thats all I
need :)))

The sea? everyone loves the sea its true…….. but if its the sound of where we come from surely it should be water in a canal
lock……. or the sound of a duck swimming on Barnt Green resovoir hehehehe……..
jezblog :))
XXX @ August 8, 2013, 9:13 am
Ah lucky for some. One of the best places to be. Enjoy!
AH Flight @ August 8, 2013, 1:12 pm
Yes I agree……. and yes I will :))))))))))
Hehehehehe………. Nice one :))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ August 8, 2013, 3:42 pm
Ooh…what a coincidence… I’m near some beeches. Frankley Beeches.
Lee @ August 8, 2013, 2:42 pm
Ah yes Frankly Beeches also enjoys a worldwide reputation of a destination of note ……. well I know it at least …… its a fine
place…… well fine might…. kinda might be too strong……. but well hey :))))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ August 8, 2013, 3:45 pm
Nice image…see any sharks ?
Harv.! @ August 8, 2013, 2:48 pm
From this beach ??? ……Sharks no ……. but dolphins yes…….. I love a bit of beach life from time to time…….. me old mate Greg
who works with me comes out here a lot …… and weirdly I think Bazza J Holmes is coming out from LA this weekend ……. we are
getting the band together…….. we should ship u and Morris in to make it officially an Old School reunion bro……… hehehehe………
Cheers Jez :))))))))))))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ August 8, 2013, 3:50 pm
The beach sounds good, but unfortunately I’m going to be stuck in court for who knows how long…I’m on jury duty in a week.
Last time I was on jury duty I was in there for almost two weeks, hopefully the case ,whatever it is, won’t be anything too nasty.
Harv.! @ August 8, 2013, 7:14 pm
Ah yes the beach really is good just watched the sun go down with a beer then came back insidehaving been out there all
day :))
Jury Service????? Second time?????? Wow Harv you are a good citizen…… weirdly I have never done it……. I think I
move house too often…… they never quite catch up with me so I never get asked …… hehehehe…… :))))))
Good luck
with that……. hope its a bloke disputing his parking tickets not some terrible murder…….. cheers bro……… and as they say
in this neck of the woods….. : ” Thank You for your service” :)))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ August 8, 2013, 9:11 pm
Third time, so far I’ve had a nightclub assault involving two women, and a suspected arsonist…wonder what’s next
?…luckily it’s the Sheriff court which means no murders etc, those cases go to the High court.
Harv.! @ August 9, 2013, 7:57 am
Third time ? Dude they know you are a good man straight and true… Some one like me is way too dodgy
looking…. Literally I have never been called for it…. Either in the UK or the US…. Like I say I think too much
dodging about keeps em from thinking u might be a worthy candidate …. Good luck bro lets hope it’s nothing to
grim and that any arson cases involve only beach barbecues from now on …. Cheers bro Jez XXXXX
Jezblog in the Hamptons @ August 9, 2013, 9:31 am
“they know you are a good man straight and true” lol…if only they knew the truth ?…at least it let’s everyone
know I’m not a criminal, you can’t sit on a jury if you have any convictions.
You’re probably not on the electoral registar which is possibly why you haven’t been called up…or it could be
because of that time when you were caught transporting coke in your RX7, lol ?
Harv.! @ August 9, 2013, 12:43 pm

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