Happy Holidays : SantaCon Pub Crawl : Manhattan NYC

Happy Holidays : SantaCon Pub Crawl : Manhattan NYC


Well its that time of year again ……… I hope all you guyz are gathered with your families for the holiday celebrations …….. Its Christmas Day at just gone midnight here in Johannesburg South Africa ……… Im here with my sister and her family for the holidays ……… so I ought to pop into bed cos everyone else is sleeping ……. Not a sound not even a mouse …….. Just thought I would wish all who like to drop in on Jezblog a mega Happy Holiday Season ……. and Happy Christmas !!!! if you are celebrating today :-))))))))) ……… This picture above was shot in New York ….. in a bar in Manhattan during the annual SantaCon pub Crawl ……. I understand SantaCon folks were banned from Brooklyn this year ……. So they were boozing around Midtown Manhattan again ….. close to my apartment again this year …….. but I managed to miss them all by a few hours ….. flying out as ever …… so here they are above celebrating in a year gone by :-)))))

Cheers Happy Holidays Love and Peace to all Jez XXXXXXXXX


[ 7 ] comments

  • Merry Christmas Jez look out for those rogue elephants and look after that Merc. Have fun.

    PW @ December 25, 2014, 12:20 am

  • Hopefully one crazed elephant per trip is about right ….. weirdly it also happened last time I was in a game park…… luckily that time Roddy the Ranger was driving his hardcore jeep ….. it was not up to me …. but still what have elephants got against me? hehehehe…..

    Jezblog Johannesburg :-)) XXX @ December 25, 2014, 12:47 am

  • Wheels down UAE :-)) XXX

    Jezblog Dubai :-)) XXX @ January 2, 2015, 10:28 pm

  • Wheels down UAE :-)) XXX

    Jezblog Dubai :-)) XXX @ January 2, 2015, 10:29 pm

  • Wheels down London Heathrow

    jezblog London @ January 3, 2015, 11:58 am

  • Welcome Back Home… Hope you had a wonderful time with the families… Happy New Year…. late I know… xx

    PaulS @ January 4, 2015, 8:29 am

  • Yo Paul Happy New Year to you and all yours weirdly I am on strain from London Euston heading to see my folks just for one day I need to be back in London to shoot……. but it will be nice to see my parents and Ringo :-))) Hope u have had a lovely Christmas with your family bro :-)))) Cheers Jez XXXXXXXX

    Jezblog Virgin Train :-)) XXX @ January 5, 2015, 7:09 am

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