Roy in Flight on White : Atlanta : USA

Roy in Flight on White : Atlanta : USA


Corporate photography can sometimes do your brains in ……… it can be a bit of a stress ……….. hehehehe……… Roy here is obviously relieved its all over :-)))))))))) hehehehe ……….

We did the group shot with all the leading executives of this mega worldwide corporation at their HQ …….. Roy works with the national and international communications group that oversees our work at this client ……… but its always a bit of stress for those guys incase I end up upsetting the leading lights of their client organization ………. as if I ever would :-))))))))))) hehehehe …….. anyway it all went well we had a laugh ……… shot good pictures……. all were happy ……… no mega drama …….. so all is good……. Roy is happy :-)))))))))) hehehehe…………


[ 7 ] comments

  • And if Roy is happy,then Jez + Matt are happy, + if you two are happy so is the bank manager!! Back into the groove Mr C, smile from behind the camera makes it easier to get one in front I guess!!! Hope all is good and Matt is being gentle with you.. Stay Safe Bro xx

    PaulS @ February 6, 2014, 5:14 pm

  • We are happy :-)))))))) We are rolling messing about on our usual routines here in the big ATL….. thinngs happening here in ATL up in NYC and over in Mississippi …… back to the usual non stop roll its good and bad as ever hehehe……..Cheers bro Hope all is good :-))))))))))) Jez XXXXXXXXX

    jezblog Atlanta :-))))) XXXXX @ February 6, 2014, 6:15 pm

  • He looks happy 🙂 As is anyone could not have a nice time being photographed by JC 🙂

    kathy K @ February 6, 2014, 8:22 pm

  • Well said Kathy as if anyone could not enjoy the experience of being photographed by me………. hehehehe……. er….. well there was this one incident ……. er…….. lets not go there hehehehehe……….Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    jezblog Atlanta :-))))) XXXXX @ February 7, 2014, 10:08 am

  • Anyway Roy is loving it…….. thats the main thing ……. hehehehe…….. :-)))))))))))) XXXXXXXXXX

    jezblog Atlanta :-))))) XXXXX @ February 7, 2014, 10:09 am

  • Maaan.she’s so….perfect!!

    The wolf of coronet street xx @ February 7, 2014, 10:38 am

  • :-))))))))))) XXXXXXXXXXX

    jezblog Atlanta :-))))) XXXXX @ February 7, 2014, 4:40 pm

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