Dawn Flag : Waimanalo District : Oahu Hawaii

Dawn Flag : Waimanalo District : Oahu Hawaii


I was up before dawn when I shot this ……… I almost am again now but having not gone to bed ……….. I know nutz ……….. people will start doubting that I am only 17 if I keep this up :-))))))))))) ……… I should have put this one up on the 4th of July but hey…….



[ 10 ] comments

  • Great sky, light and contrast again. Keep putting colour in our lives Jez.

    Nick Wells @ July 11, 2014, 4:53 am

  • Hey mate howzit? Thanks for such a nice comment :-))))))) Hope all is good :-))))) Cheers Jez XX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 11, 2014, 12:42 pm

  • Very nice light and I love the way the flag is half curved down, worth getting up early.

    Kelly K @ July 11, 2014, 2:14 pm

  • Yes I love the balance of this too………. it has a slightly odd composition with the cables that are often picture killers……. but weirdly i still like this…. infact i kinda like the cables and it still works for me :-)))))))))) XXXXXXXCheers Jez XXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 11, 2014, 5:49 pm

  • Dont feel sorry for him people..This is what he was made for!!Sleeping is for losers… Managed to take this with one hand ? Other hand holding a bottle of JD?… Hope all is good Bro ..

    PaulS @ July 11, 2014, 2:28 pm

  • Weirdly….. Way back I once shot a advertising piece involving JD and womens Beach Volley Ball on a beach in Spain ………. yeah……. that was a good one…… although I have had such a small amount of sleep in the last couple of days (I have still been up at 5AM 3 days running ) That Im not sure if that was a dream I had or really a shoot ……… hehehehe…….. Im on it bro…… give me another JD …… What are we doing……??? Whats my name again ?????? hehehehe…….Cheers Bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 11, 2014, 5:28 pm

  • It looks a bit black over Bill’s mother’s.

    Lee @ July 11, 2014, 5:14 pm

  • Its always dark when things sound like this brohttp://bills-mothers.co.uk/?page_id=38

    Cheers Jez XXXXXX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 11, 2014, 5:19 pm

  • I’ll book ’em for my 50th

    Lee @ July 11, 2014, 6:44 pm

  • As they say in Waimanalo District, Oahu Hawaii ….. Book ’em Dann0 murder One …………. hehehehe……. :-))))))))))))))))))))Cheers baby Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 11, 2014, 7:58 pm

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