The Destruction of Vulcan : I82 Alabama : USA

The Destruction of Vulcan : I82 Alabama : USA


This is like being in a Sci-Fi movie… Last night I flew through incredible storms .. Slept through incredible storms .. Woke up to incredible storms… Flew under them in a jet… Then landed.. Then flew round them same small jet. Then took another small plane under incredible storms… Now I have been driving for 4 hours with incredible lightening and thunder and the constant buzzing of severe weather warnings from the radio … The gas station I am at has just lost power … the storm continues to rage … 24 hours of drastic storms overhead …. Its like being at the destruction of Vulcan :-)) XX

I wrote this (above) as my facebook status sitting in a black out gas station after the storm suddenly took out all the lights ……….. This (picture above) is what it looked like as I continued to drive on up the I82 highway …………… hehehehe…………..


PS………… OK I did push up the saturation a fair old bit in photoshop to make it look this totally rainbow ‘destruction of Vulcan’ crazed …….. but thats it ………… the storm really did look pretty much like this for hours on end :-///// :-)))))))) XXXXXXXXXXX

[ 8 ] comments

  • Whoa!!!

    Julie Goldsmith @ June 12, 2014, 10:06 am

  • Yeah it really was ………. kind of amazing and magnificent …….. kind of a total drag ……. turning a pretty serious 6 hour drive into a 10 hour nightmare slog ……. half the time at 20 mph cos the rain was so heavy ………. but like i say ……. kind of incredible and fantastic all at once ……. cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog GA :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ June 12, 2014, 11:19 am

  • Double Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kelly K @ June 12, 2014, 11:43 am

  • hehehehe………. two right……… hehehehe……….. :-))))))))))))) XXXXXXCheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog GA :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ June 12, 2014, 11:59 am

  • It is the heralding of the dawn of the apocalypse when the great beast 666 shall rise in the east..

    Lug son of Mill xx @ June 12, 2014, 10:05 pm

  • Yes Putin is certainly coming up……. and those ISIS fighters might not stop at Bagdad………. the days of apocalypse …….. could be upon us ……. certainly starting to feel like that while I was driving through it ……… :-////// XXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog GA :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ June 13, 2014, 1:59 am

  • Reminds me of those Physics lessons with Mr Moses… :?).. Nothing to worry about…hopefully…Hope all is good Bro xx

    PaulS @ June 13, 2014, 1:31 am

  • Ah yes the Van der Graf Generator ……… hehehehe……… a hair raising experience for all concerned hehehehehe……….Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog GA :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ June 13, 2014, 2:00 am

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