Goodbye and Thinking of You Normblog : NYC Taxi Zap : USA

Goodbye and Thinking of You Normblog : NYC Taxi Zap : USA


From the Guardian Obit by Eve Garrard :

“Norman Geras – professor emeritus of government at Manchester University, philosopher, cricket fan, country music lover, Marxist, liberal socialist, democrat, political blogger behind the influential Normblog – has died of cancer aged 70. His interests were rich and varied, but his thought and writings form an integrated whole. He was centrally and always a man of the left, but one who became a scourge of those parts of left/liberal opinion which, in his view, had slid away from commitment to the values of equality, justice and universal rights, and in so doing ended up by excusing or condoning racism and terrorism.

From his perspective, the response to the events of 11 September 2001 was appalling. He found the readiness of many to blame the US for bringing the terrorist attack down on its own head to be intellectually feeble and morally contemptible. He argued that this section of the left was betraying its own values by offering warm understanding to terrorists and cold neglect to their victims. He detested the drawing of an unsupported and insupportable moral equivalence between western democracies and real or proposed theocratic tyrannies in which liberty of thought and speech, and the protection of human rights, would play no part. Norm wanted to engage in this debate and not just with academics. So he went online, to provide himself with a space in which he could express these and other views, and Normblog was born.

It was a runaway success. Thousands of readers all over the world were drawn by Norm’s mixture of serious political and philosophical reasoning, and more lighthearted pieces on cricket, Manchester United, country music, films, books – whatever he was currently interested in………”

………. it does not mention it here……… but Norman Geras…….. Normblog was also interested in zappy pictures of yellow taxis on jezblogand would sometimes ask his readers to check them out :-)))))))

He also asked many leading intellectual political bloggers to do a questionnaire interview about themselves and their blogging that ran as seris on his blog ……… he even asked the odd scuzzy photographer blogger to do it too ………. Jezblog Q&A

I admired the clarity of his thinking and his decency, his proper commitment to human rights and justice. …….. I will miss a good man ……… and his very thoroughly decent upbeat friendly blog filled with full on politics and life ……….. I’m posting a crazed zappy New York Taxi and thinking of you Norm :-))))))))))


[ 10 ] c omments
Well, mos t people lik e the odd pic of a c r az y y ellow tax i..c ouldn’t help but notic ing the
LP had wr ote a “bes ts elling book ” on “how to r un a s uc c es ful photogr aphic bus ines s
“..wonder if it has s ec tions on s hagging c elebr ity hair dr es s er s and s hafting y our
employ er s ??
O liv er Hamm x x @ O c tober 23, 2013, 6:19 am

T he LP method……. I think its r oll off with y our fr iends oper ations ……er ….. other
than that its all about c elebr ity hair dr es s er s and s nor ting huge quantities of Char lie ?
………. Right ?…… er …… how har d c an it be… ? Well I gues s it might get that way
inv olv ing s ome as s is tanc e fr om the T V r epair man and y our huge libr ar y of v ids
…….. other than that job done hehehehe……. thats wher e we hav e been goin wr ong all thes e
y ear s :­ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) hehehehehe….. :­ ) ) ) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Vidal Sas s oon @ O c tober 23, 2013, 3:03 pm
Yeah, and all that s tuff about tur ning up 5 hour s late to wor k , s hagging Z od Wels on, tak
ing indus tr ial quantities of Char lie and pis s ing off all y our s talwar t photogr apher s as
well…s ounds lik e a c r ac k ing r ead :­ ) )

T eas ey Weas ey x x @ O c tober 24, 2013, 1:15 am
Yes its no wonder or dinar y mor tals do not hav e a book about how to r un a photo bus ines s , or
how to s tay up all night doing the wild thing with Edwar d Sc is s or hands on indus tr ial
quatities of Char lie while quoting endles s ly for jobs that will nev er happen:’ Hello is that
model mak ing? I need a giant leather c lad model of J ames Day y ‘ and mak e it s nappy ! its a gr
eat r ead. 🙂
A.R Soul @ O c tober 24, 2013, 11:24 am


I was wonder ing what had happened to my giant leather c lad model of that gr eat photogr aphic
genius J ames Day …I believ e that ther e was s ome k ind of quote her in “Res er v oir Dogs
“…s omething about hav ing s o muc h b©©© m@@@ s e©©n pumped up her a$$ that it was s tar ting to
c $$$ out of h$$ m##th!!
Mr O r ange x x @ O c tober 24, 2013, 11:31 am
Do I k now y ou c aller ??

Mr Pink y @ O c tober 25, 2013, 1:54 pm
May be :­ ) ) )
J uan Kos s off x x @ O c tober 26, 2013, 11:55 am

I k now s ome weir d people and I’m being s talk ed by s ome ev en weir der ones …… T he ins ec
ts hav e been s own ins ide them man…. Come to think of it …. I hav e a feeling that c all was
fr om Rus s ell br and when I was at the s tates man one night…. Now they hav e made him the
gues t editor ….. So he gets to s hout pr oudly about how they did it to him s o they r now
buz z ing in his head…..

Mic k y Clar k e elec tr ic s hav e @ O c tober 28, 2013, 6:04 pm

Didn’t SB ac tually mur der Dav e Spar t and dis s olv e his body in ac id? I believ e that they
hav e nev er found a tr ac e of him :­ ) )

Z eta numer o uno x x @ O c tober 28, 2013, 9:56 pm

Its tr ue and ther e would hav e been no tr ac e whats oev er if s he had not gr abbed him by the
bear d out of s heer anti hippie r age
Mother T er as a @ O c tober 29, 2013, 6:41 pm

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