Of course the waitress is a film star it’s Hollywood : LA California

Of course the waitress is a film star it’s Hollywood : LA California

small_blog_LA_waitress_suns Barry J………… he is living the archetypal photographers life …………he has photographed the top models and even dated numerous models, he has photographed hundreds of celebrities ……… and even been romantically linked to a couple of those too. He currently lives in one of the coolest lofts in Downtown LA and is just about to move to an amazing house in the Hollywood Hills. He is good looking, clever and funny he drives mega motor bikes and BMW cars he really is a great guy……. living the life that really would be the envy of so many who dream of the glamourous life of the Hollywood photographer. When I look at his life and all the things he has done……….I cant believe it myself…. even though he really is a fantastic photographer………I first knew him in London way back when we started out from my scuzzy darkroom in a crumbling building in Hoxton East London ………. I seemed to have the relatively glamourous life then……. Barry was just out of school in a dull starter job……… I at least was already a photojournalist …………. but you gotta say for sheer glamour Barry’s star studded life massively surpasses all that could have been reasonably speculated at the time. I was in LA the last couple of days so I stayed at Barry’s place it was great…..his girlfriend even insisted on buying me a fantastic meal…… they were both so nice…….. I must go again! Check out some of Barry’s work at : http://www.lamoine.com/portfolio/port_frame.asp?pno=77

I was working all day on the one full day I was in town …… but at the end of the day I was driving up Sunset Blvd to meet Barry who was working at a film set …… I just saw this image as I sat in traffic… her hair was blowing like a wind machine was on…….. and she had that glamourous far away look…..perfect for Hollywood.

[ 1 ] comments

  • Yes, indeed, perfect Hollywood. Love this one, very fairytale like look.

    Kerly @ November 11, 2010, 6:47 am

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