Martin Luther King Statue : Morehouse College : Atlanta

Martin Luther King Statue : Morehouse College : Atlanta


I was at Morehouse College in Atlanta this week, a place synonymous with transformative educational experiences for African American men. It really is a mightily impressive place but also friendly and welcoming.

I heard the President of the college speaking about his experience of Morehouse as a student, he was in class with the film maker Spike Lee among others. Dr. John S. Wilson, Jr. President of Morehouse College talked about how he led the student Union back then as he did his first degree and was instrumental in inviting Joshua Nkomo to speak to the student body at graduation. (Nkomo was a leader and hero of the war to overthrow the undemocratic racist government to the country that was then called Rhodesia now called Zimbabwe )

The President explained some of his hopes and plans for Morehouse in the future under his Presidency. Like I say I found the whole thing inspiring and moving.

Hey, how many colleges can claim to have a previous student who goes on to win the Nobel Peace prize and many other prestigious international awards, a person who changed his country and the world, and has a national holiday named after him in the USA, oh yeah, and has a a statue of him on the National Mall in Washington DC …. only Dr Martin Luther King a previous student of Morehouse achieved all this, not even Princeton and Harvard for all their famed achievements, power and history can quite match this claim in any former student.

Above is an early morning image of the statue of Martin Luther King that rightly has pride of place at the center of the Morehouse Campus.


[ 17 ] comments

  • wonderful capture

    Photopurist @ September 6, 2014, 10:17 pm

  • :-)))))))))))))))))) XXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog @ September 7, 2014, 10:53 am

  • Wow, like you say that is something to tell people about.. Almost as good as this guy I went to school with who went on to become a taxi driver in New York! Wonder what happened to him???.. Thanks for the lyrics.. Stay Safe Bro xx

    PaulS @ September 7, 2014, 6:37 am

  • Last I heard he was attempting to get a statue to the ‘unknown taxi driver’ in Central Park hehehehehe :-)))))))) ….. Well I think he knows thats kind of unlikely….. so if not …..Maybe some kind of photographic exhibit…… or yeah at least a photo book …….made in homage to the passing age of taxi drivers and their Beast cars in NYC ……… sadly those big Beasts will be dying out …… and the taxi drivers with ’em if google and their driverless cars have their way …..Not a world shattering mission…… Its nice that u rember JRC but I have a strong certainty MLK had a much more important mission than JRC and am equally certain he was a miles better student hehehe …… :-)))))))) XXXXX

    Footsoldier of the King @ September 7, 2014, 11:13 am

  • Jez – it was a privilege to have worked with you this week! As a student at Morehouse College, I just want to thank you SO MUCH for capturing the above picture and sharing the Morehouse spirit within your network. P.S. I had fun shooting at Graves Hall on top of “The Hill.” “Et Facta Est Lux: And there was light. . . ” #MorehouseStrong

    Deshawn @ September 7, 2014, 2:51 pm

  • Thanks so much for dropping by ……. thanks to you and your friends for helping out ……. thanks to the whole Morehouse crew ……… the whole time I was on campus I felt completely at home …… everyone was so friendly and helpful …… like i was saying up at the top I really found the staff and students collectively….. really inspiring …… I had a wonderful time :-))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog in the big ATL :-)) @ September 7, 2014, 7:33 pm

  • Wheels down London Heathrow :-)) xx

    jezblog LHR @ September 9, 2014, 8:21 am

  • Hi Mate, Hope all is good at home.. xx

    PaulS @ September 9, 2014, 6:59 pm

  • Having a nice time :-)))))) Im here at my folks my sister is here over from SA too We have been walking Ringo and kicking back….. :-))))))))) …. I’m gonna zap back to London to do stuff on Friday but I will zap back up again next week …… how u doin yourself? are u in the recovery position? Maybe I should try and drop in with grapes :-)))))))))) hehjehehe……Cheers Bro Jez XXXXXXX

    Jezblog in Rugby :-)))))))) @ September 11, 2014, 6:43 am

  • Well, its not very nice Mate, stuck with one hand only…And its bloody painful, which is going to get a hell of a lot worse when physio starts, or so the nurse promised me yesterday!! Good to hear the family is together..Eat, drink and be merry… Stay Safe Bro xx

    PaulS @ September 11, 2014, 8:17 am

  • Uh oh sounds bad bro…… well I guess all u can do is grin and bear it …… hopefully it will be worth it in the end …. :-//// Seems like u should be looking forward to The Physio :-/ or at least the physio being over …….. :-///Yes me and N and Mum and Dad and Ringo all together having a nice time here bro its very relaxing at my folks place just kicking back ……… only Ringo is busy …….. chasing rabbits :-))))))))

    Hope u r recovered soon bro Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog in Rugby :-)))))))) @ September 11, 2014, 9:59 am

  • Yeh thats true Bro…. Hope Ringo isn`t bringing too many rabbits back into your Mothers house!!Have fun `all….

    PaulS @ September 11, 2014, 5:03 pm

  • Ringo never kills anything she just likes the sport of the chase :-))))))))

    jezblog Soho Hse @ September 12, 2014, 11:07 am

  • always perfect images JC showing everything without words. and you always say how nice people treat you everywhere – it must be because you are easy to be nice to. stay safe.

    Ann ODyne @ September 15, 2014, 8:40 pm

  • I always try to be nice ……. it makes things easier …… but these guys were well nice ……. extremely nice and accommodating …… it was a lovely place to hang out :-))))))))) XXXXXCheers Jez XXXXXX

    Jezblog London UK :-)) @ September 16, 2014, 8:23 am

  • This is crazy ! Few months ago , I met you in France . I saw you and your friend in a restaurant with your amazing cameras and finally we Talked for a while .
    That night , someone stole my bag , with my wallet and everything . So I thought That I ‘ll never see your work Because I didn’t remember your name ( for french people Sometimes it’s not easy ^^) .
    Finally , this morning , I Was cleaning my suitcase and I found your cards That You Gave Me That day . In fact , When I came back to my collegues that Night , before being stolen , I Talked them about you guys, showed your cards and put them in my suitcase . So I’m glad to see your website and your wonderful pictures !I’m in love with That One !

    Take care !

    Ellie @ March 3, 2015, 8:17 am

  • Hey so lovely to hear from you …. I do remember meeting u in the restaurant Alex my writer friend was very impressed that just by having a couple of kinda cool looking cameras sitting on the table such a wonderful person was drawn to come over and chat hehehehe :-))))) I am glad you found the cards…… so sorry you had all the drama of having stuff stolen that night ….. how horrible for you …. thats always a bit of a worry when I have a pile of cool cameras…. so I do have to be on my guard against that kind of drama myself :-((…. I have been zapping about like crazy since we met…. in the UK and South Africa but mostly in the USA and Canada and I was supposed to be in Paris the other day but sadly I could not fit it in….. and I also managed not to be able to go to Hawaii and Malaysia….. so I have been sadly missing some great places including France……. ah well I shall be back :-))) …… The story we were shooting in France when we met you did get big spreads in the Sunday Times Magazine …… …… Thanks so much for dropping in on the site….. would love to see you on here some more :-))) XXXXXXXCheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-)) XXX @ March 26, 2015, 6:29 pm

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