Hot Subway Sleep : L train at 14th : NYC

Hot Subway Sleep : L train at 14th : NYC


Image description:

I took the L train to Brooklyn today. I went to see Philip Riley of Skink Ink………. What a fine bloke …….. What a mighty set up that is ……… personal, fast and efficient ……… really high quality work and reasonably priced ………. Amazing all round……… highly highly recommend if you are seeking high quality art prints in NYC …….

I shot this woman sleeping down on 14th St on the L platform on my way to Skink ……….. It was a hot day…….. I guess sometimes you just need to catch a little rest……….. :-))) XXXXXXXX


Subway Seethe BY J. ALLYN ROSSER

What could have been the big to-do

that caused him to push me aside

on that platform? Was a woman who knew

there must be some good even inside

an ass like him on board that train?

Charity? Frances? His last chance

in a ratty string of last chances? Jane?

Surely in all of us is some good.

Better love thy neighbor, buddy,

lest she shove back. Maybe I should.

It’s probably just a cruddy

downtown interview leading to

some cheap-tie, careerist, dull

cul-de-sac he’s speeding to.

Can he catch up with his soul?

Really, what was the freaking crisis?

Did he need to know before me

if the lights searching the crowd’s eyes

were those of our train, or maybe

the train of who he might have been,

the person his own-heart-numbing,

me-shoving anxiety about being

prevents him from ever becoming?

How has his thoughtlessness defiled

who I was before he shoved me?

How might I be smiling now if he’d smiled,

hanging back, as though he might have loved me?

[ 12 ] c omments
Iter es ting but weir d pic tur e 🙂

k athy K @ Augus t 25, 2013, 9:41 am
I lik e the poem too, as though he might hav e lov ed me? s eems s o apt to the image.
k athy K @ Augus t 25, 2013, 10:25 am
She’ll c er tainly hav e a s tiff nec k when s he wak es up. Lee @ Augus t 25, 2013, 11:18 am
T hats tr ue enough matey …….. lik e a 9 hour s flight but with no head­ r es t :­ / Cheer s br
o J ez XXXXX
jez blog :­ ) ) XXX @ Augus t 27, 2013, 9:25 am

Nic e image…if it was n’t for the “Br ook ly n” s ign it c ould hav e been tak en s omewher e in
India, it has that feel, pr obably bec aus e of the
gr een and r ed c lothing.
Har v .! @ Augus t 25, 2013, 11:36 am

Yes gr en and r ed……. and tr ains …… and s leeping in public plac es ……. has all the
ingr edients of an ar c hety pal photogr aph fr om
India es pec ially one fr om bac k in the 80’s :­ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) XXXXXXXX
Cheer s br o J ez XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
jez blog :­ ) ) XXX @ Augus t 27, 2013, 9:29 am
Hmmm.. Wonder what s hes dr eaming about?..Ans wer s on a pos tc ar d pleas e..Hope all is good Bro
PaulS @ Augus t 25, 2013, 5:16 pm

She look s s upr is ingly happy giv en thats gotta be s omething of an unc omfy pos ition
………. :­ / :­ ) ……… s o it mus t be a good dr eam
:­ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) XXXXXXXXXXXX Cheer s br o J ez XXXXXXXXXXXX

jez blog :­ ) ) XXX @ Augus t 27, 2013, 9:30 am

Wheels up J F K :­ ) ) ) XX
J ez blog NYC iPhone :­ ) ) @ Augus t 25, 2013, 9:11 pm
Wheels down LHR XXX

J ez blog iPhone London @ Augus t 26, 2013, 5:20 am
Really wonder ful photo, J ez .

Eliz abeth @ Augus t 27, 2013, 11:00 am
T hanx Eliz abeth I am bac k in good ol Blighty for a week or s o now :­ ) ) ) XXXX
jez blog :­ ) ) XXX @ Augus t 27, 2013, 1:18 pm

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