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Michael Gove the Education Minister here in the UK today controversially announced that high School examinations would all be changed ……..
much to the annoyance of students currently sitting the high school GCSE’s…. what they fear will now become discredited qualifications when
the new ones come on stream ………
This is the kind of news I might have been covering way back in the day ……… I have not photographed a British Education Minister for years
……. but at one stage in the past I used to shoot front cover photographs for the Times Education Supplements ……… I don’t really specialize
in educational news these days but I do like to sometimes visit the occasional school …… I was in a fantastic American high school the other
day …….. up in Chicago…….. If I was a youth living in or around Chicago this would be my High School ……… The Chicago Academy for the
Arts ……….. ……….
Me and Matt popped round there to shoot ………… wooow ….. what a great place ……… what a great bunch of folks both the faculty and the
students ………… designed to be ‘The’ place for an arts education ……… with especially amazing dance and visual arts, theatre and music
programs ….. but actually amazingly rigorous and successful in all the more conventional academic studies too ……… I was in the maths class
on two or three occasions……… it was all being conducted with great enthusiasm but also at a very high standard with students clearly
enjoying their excellence in mathematics. I have to say the dance sessions were breath takingly amazing ………. of course film making was
really interesting …… theatre ……… music …… the painting and 3D art works ……… It was all amazing ………… The whole place has a great
outward looking perspective …….. I even met a student who knew someone in my family in London :)))
……….. yeah this really is a mighty fab place……… :))))))))))
If you are an artistic soul currently at high school in the vicinity of Chicago ……… CAA really should be your school ………….. hehehehe…………
In the above picture are some of the students in the Theatre Department are getting ready to perform.
[ 6 ] comments
Great shot and sounds like a damn fine place too.. Hope all is good Bro
PaulS @ June 12, 2013, 3:45 pm
Yes we would have loved it bro… Like hanging out in Miss Websters darkroom writ large :))))
Cheers Jez XXXXX
Jezblog iPhone London @ June 12, 2013, 5:07 pm
This is so beautiful
Kathy K @ June 13, 2013, 4:41 am
Thanks :)))
…… yes I was happy with this when I saw it…….. she does look so lovely in the mirror :))))))
Cheers Jez XXXXXXX
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 13, 2013, 9:01 am
Looks like a movie still…hope all is goooooooood !
Harv.! @ June 15, 2013, 4:37 pm
All is good bro……. apart from the weather……. :))))))
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 15, 2013, 5:14 pm