Band of Brothers : US troops in the Desert

Band of Brothers : US troops in the Desert

jez_small_US_troops_against They are all used to me by now. As the sun sets and their Bradley Fighting Vehicles circle assuming a defensive position before picking up this platoon, the guys just hang, it is nearly all over for today for this ‘Band of Brothers’, they are now the most relaxed they have been all day and at least the heat has started to drop; just a little.

Again (see last entry) I am looking for you to guess the location……the most accurate guess wins a 10’x 8′ print.

[ 5 ] comments

  • perfect! – i mean not the situation, the image you created…

    leova (↑) @ August 4, 2006, 1:00 am

  • perfect! i mean not the situation… the image you created!

    leova (↑) @ August 4, 2006, 1:01 am

  • wonderfull image.

    Tiago P. @ August 29, 2006, 7:20 am

  • The sunset screen is a great backdrop for these soldiers…my son sent me an email about the pictures you had taken at NTC.

    Noell @ September 17, 2006, 4:28 pm

  • Sky color create effect the soldiers looking calm (friendly)

    fachrie @ March 28, 2007, 12:31 pm

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