JezC Cold Weather Selfie hehehe : NYC : USA

JezC Cold Weather Selfie hehehe : NYC : USA


This is me heading out at 4 AM to make taxi pics in the snow and bitter cold of NYC ……. I am wearing my totally over the top G Star ballistic nylon coat …… see the hood its not on but it never goes down …… it cannot flap down my back its too rigid and hardcore hehehehe ……. thats a way totally over the top coat …… but kinda necessary if u r gonna hang out on the mega cold winter streets of NYC ………. that coat lives in NYC pretty permanently ….. it has been to Detroit and a few other freezing places …. but mostly its never gonna go in the bag …… and yeah I know the face mask looks pretty silly especially in the lobby …. but by the time I get outside …. I simply don’t care and I am seriously glad of it …….. hehehehe……:-))) XXX

Cheers Jez XXX

PS…. Right now I am hanging out in the operations space for Insight folks down here in Atlanta …… and its not warm even here ……. something weird is happening to US weather even Georgia is freezing too …….. I’m starting to think I need the mega coat even down here :-))) XXXX

[ 2 ] comments

  • Well, do me a favour and make sure we dont see any of that weather the US has been dealing with… You know that over here in the UK, 1cm of snow stops the country running,never mind cars freezing where they are parked!! Keep Warm and Stay Safe Bro xx

    PaulS @ February 20, 2015, 2:24 pm

  • I’m in Atlanta now Paul it is snowing a little and its very cold even down here ….. and this is down South in GA ……. tomorrow I fly back to London land at Heathrow on Sunday shoot a job on Monday then zap back to Toronto on Tuesday …… then I’m going to Niagara Falls City apparently the Niagara Falls themselves are pretty well frozen solid …… how cold does it have to be for that to happen???? Pretty seriously cold i think is the correct answer ….. I know that Buffalo right next door has had crazy snow like 14 feet in 2 days a little back I don’t know if they are dug out yet :-/// ……. kinda crazy ……… and I haven’t even got the NYC mega ballistic Nylon coat with me ……. I do have another jacket I bought in Alaska cos otherwise Id be frozen by now ……. yeah cold cold cold bro who ever thought we would be discussing and me looking forward to the warm winter temp available in the UK hehehehe……….Cheers keep yer toastiest clothes on bro hehehe…….. Jez XXXXXX :-)))) XXXXX

    Jezblog NYC :-)) XXX @ February 20, 2015, 7:06 pm

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