Stern Magazine Double Page Spread Israeli Palestinian Conflict : Jabalia Refugee Camp : Gaza

Stern Magazine Double Page Spread Israeli Palestinian Conflict : Jabalia Refugee Camp : Gaza


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Just got back in from a nice evening on the roof of Soho House NYC with Bazza J ……… my old mate……. while he was in town having flown in from LA for a shoot ……… we discussed some new stuff……… but we also discussed some old stuff from way back when we first worked together in the very early days of Insight. We laughed and thought about all the people we loved and worked with back in the day………….. we talked a little about Bob Gannon ………. where is he now bla bla ? ……… he was with me when I shot this photograph above in Gaza …….. picture is seen here used in Stern Magazine ( of Germany as you see in this double page spread above )

Cheers Jez XXXXXXX

PS I see the talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians almost failed before they even started because Israel approved plans for 1200 more settlers houses in the West Bank…….. on the eve of talks …….. like a red rag to a bull……. the Palestinians claimed the Israelis were attempting to sabotage the talks …….. but incredibly it appears the Palestinians will still attend……… not holding my breath though …………

[ 3 ] c omments
Infac t, what did happen to Bob…ar e we ev en s ur e he was a r eal per s on and not s ome my
thic al Ins ight photogr apher people told s tor ies about ? lol.
Har v .! @ Augus t 13, 2013, 8:10 am

Ah y es BG he has mov ed into the s hadowy r ealm of genius both for his amaz ing gift in the field
of photogr aphy but als o in the r ealm of jok e telling and mes s ing ar ound :­ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I
think he was r eal bac k then……… its getting k inda haz y now …… I r emember being in the
O ld City of J er us alem BG mes s ing about with all the Ar ab k ids …….. I r emember he was
mor e s c ar ed on the flight bac k than all the maga dr ama in G az a……. s uitably BG nutty
…… :­ ) ) ) ) Its tr ue he was a little c r az y but we all lov ed him :­ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

jez blog :­ ) ) XXX @ Augus t 13, 2013, 12:07 pm
T his is the Roy O r bis on s ong for Bob :­ ) ) )

You will be r egr etting getting me to think about mus ic hehehehe………..
jez blog :­ ) ) XXX @ Augus t 13, 2013, 2:00 pm

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