Signs of the crescent city

Signs of the crescent city


This image of the bird rising with the American flag in the hurricane and flood devastated city of New Orleans in August is my Photo Friday Dec 30th Best images of 2005 entry.

The image of the bird attempts to find some hope in the despair of the dark days immediately after Katrina had struck and the city reeled. I wrote at the time: “Among the ruins are some symbols of hope and reconstruction. In the French Quarter a new American flag flies optimistically in the sun and rising with it a bird holding in its beak a twig. Surely the ultimate symbol of hope, the signal to Noah from God at the end of the great flood.” The other image on the right sadly shows a mans body covered by a plastic sheet then marked with a cross by the authorities but then just left in the water.

To read a more detailed description of what was happening at the time hit the previous button above left.

Lets hope next year is a better year for all especially the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.

Cheers and a Happy New Year to you! Jez Coulson

Support Katrina relief organizations: American Red Cross 1-800-HELP-NOW Salvation Army 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) Habitat for Humanity 1-800-422-4828


[ 2 ] comments

  • testing, let me know if you get an email notification on this?

    aminTorres @ January 28, 2008, 3:14 am

  • Brilliant shot and contrast JC…don’t mind me, I’m taking the leap to try and read your entire blog as a sort of Photo 101b to enhance my skills…safe travels bro, I expect this will take a few weeks or more hahahah.

    KINGOFNEWYORKHACKS @ December 17, 2011, 5:12 am

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