Taxi to Taxi : Ride Home : 23rd St NYC

Taxi to Taxi : Ride Home : 23rd St NYC


Its time to come home.

[ 1 ] comments

  • Hi Jez, First off really nice shots, I had a good look round the site and the Insight Visual site, your US Army photos are very very striking. I can also see that you keep re-visiting the same subjects Yellow Cabs & The American Flag, the latter been hard to avoid in the US, but you look at them from a different perspective (no pun intended). I think that is the true sign of an artist, the ability to learn from previous experience, be it good or bad and to build on it. I do that when I’m designing something i hope that i’m able to do that with my photography. I do find the each time I take photos I learn from the camera and from your subject. Keep up the good work. Dave

    Dave G @ October 25, 2006, 1:44 pm

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