Bicycling Insurgent? Mystery Location?

Bicycling Insurgent? Mystery Location?

jez_small_US_troops_bike_in Mike, Owen, Matt, Darkness, Salar thanks for checking out the blog and commenting, thanks for your kind remarks. Owen is right its a bit of a trick question. Sorry about that….. Suffice to say its not Iraq or Afghanistan? ……er…….? I know so where else could it be? A print is still to be posted out to the nearest guess……. Im not sure if that is Darkness or Owen at the moment… you guys should both have another guess……. and its still open to all………..Im hanging out in Paris right now and I cant put up on the blog anything Im working on…… so its more from the mystery location for a day or so……. see if you can put in the most accurate approximation of location to win the print of your choice…….. so you have a day or so more time for frenzied repeat guessing! Cheers Jez XX

[ 7 ] comments

  • The Security Guard at the Dubai Container Port?

    HiMY SYeD @ July 27, 2006, 8:37 pm

  • So are those US army issue boots & combats the arab is wearing???

    Matt @ July 27, 2006, 11:24 pm

  • Its not Dubai but interesting thought process HiMY SYed…… the boots and combats Matt?….. er …… they could be? Thanks for commenting……Keep guessing guys Cheers Jez XX

    jez @ July 28, 2006, 4:36 am

  • Is it a film set? Is it the USA somewhere? Perhaps some kind of military training ground (Nevada desert?)in preparation for the real thing? Wild guesses but you never know…:)

    Pete @ July 28, 2006, 5:28 am

  • I think Pete’s right – I am definitely thinking it’s some training ground somewhere in the US. Funny shot 🙂

    owen @ July 28, 2006, 5:50 am

  • Fort Irwin, CA…National Training Center.

    Drew Holler @ August 13, 2007, 4:14 pm

  • National Traning Center, Fort Irwin, CA.

    Drew @ August 13, 2007, 4:16 pm

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