Reflections of 23rd St, NYC

Reflections of 23rd St, NYC


The people are waiting for the train on the other side from me at 23rd St C line Station and an express train is running down the middle track without stopping. I am shooting on a slow shutter speed through the express train as it blurs on by in the image like a ghost train. The stripes are caused by the American flag painted on the side of the train. You can see the silhouetted guy and girl cos you can still half the time see them straight through the passing train’s windows on the far platform. You could shoot this on film but you just wouldn’t know in the same timeframe that it was working. The trains pass by at pretty well at the same speed so you would have a reasonable chance of being able to repeat what you had shot previously as a test but the joy of digital is that you are in an almost child like way immediately encouraged to keep working on ridiculously experimental images. Why? Because you can see in real time that they are working or at least could work or are mad but interesting giving you the buzz to pursue more of the same. I have certainly pursued more and more experimental imagery since starting to use digital cameras. Its given me a whole new interest and repertoire. Which I have found a fantastic kind of weirdly unexpected bonus.

[ 1 ] comments

  • Love it, because of the stripes.

    Kerly @ October 27, 2010, 11:42 am

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