The Quality of Absence : Roadside Motel : Connecticut

The Quality of Absence : Roadside Motel : Connecticut


The quality of absence.

I rarely dream of my brother as he was. But i often feel his absence. No, I always feel his absence.

Israel rains attacks on Gaza. Well Hamas rains rockets on Israel too…………

It is the climax to the marching season in Northern Ireland.

I am in Atlanta.

I sat up in bed and wrote this. Maybe I should sleep more. Maybe I should turn off the drone of the news as I sleep.

I hear this news. I feel the quality of absence through the tunnel of years.

Cheers Jez X

[ 8 ] comments

  • The darkest hour is just before dawn x

    kelly K @ July 12, 2014, 12:41 pm

  • Yes, sometimes u can feel the optimism of a new day even in the darkness ….. Other times its like the light could never come and even if it did it would make no difference. Still its sunny now I am looking out on the city of Atlanta from a distant mountain :-))))))))))))))) XXXXXXX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 12, 2014, 2:41 pm

  • All I can say is, I`m always here for you at any time… Sleep can be an evil bugger at times.. Time aint always a healer..Stay Safe Bro xx

    PaulS @ July 12, 2014, 1:32 pm

  • Thanx Bro ……. Im good ………the sun is shining its another day for you and me in paradise :-)))))))))))) as Phil Collins would say hehehehe……….. Im walking on Kenasaw Mountain in the sunlight :-)))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 12, 2014, 2:46 pm

  • Memories can be in the mind, or recorded by a camera… we are in the business of capturing memories today, for others to use in the years to come…

    Paul Close @ July 12, 2014, 2:24 pm

  • Ours is a special super power Paul …….. The art of making people in frozen moments of time completely immortal ………..Those fragments of time exist in negative form and as more malleable memories in my head….

    But both my negative file and my head allows too much disorganization.

    Memories and frozen moments in time do not stay in a chronological order they come forward seemingly at random to push onto the perception and landscape of now.

    Hey photography…… it can be a dogs life as my father would say……. But Don’t get me wrong bro…… who would want an ordinary job…… an ordinary life….. when u can have the life of an admittedly knackered out mere mortal ……… but a life wielding this mighty super power hehehehe :-))))))))))))))


    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 12, 2014, 3:07 pm

  • glad you are physically safe dear JC and your every image is equal to a thousand words. you keep moving to get ahead of history. Just read about 1890s Brum gang Peaky Blinders now on film. wow. stay safe x x

    ann odyne @ August 3, 2014, 7:05 pm

  • Funnily enough a friend in Brum once told me about the Peeky Blinders…… then years later……. like seriously years…… I ran into the producer of that film/TV thingy about them…….. she was an American in London ……… working on a set in Brum……. kind of a muddle of lots of things to do with me………ah……… history……. personal and political……… can do yer brains in……. especially if u fly too much and don’t sleep……..

    Cheers lovely to hear from u Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog NYC :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ August 4, 2014, 6:13 am

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