Desert Rats : Sonoran Desert Arizona : USA

Desert Rats : Sonoran Desert Arizona : USA


I seem to have given up shooting the photographs displayed here on Jezblog……. from now on only pictures by my friends :-))) hehehehe …….. here is a selfie shot by Alex Hannaford on his iPhone ……… featuring me and him as the intrepid desert reporting team down here in Arizona ………. this track we were driving on was consistently the worst road I have ever driven on anywhere …… We had to first dump the trailer then the other vehicle itself a hardcore 4 wheel drive thingy …….. but only the most capable vehicle and most ambitious driver could actually make it …….. more about all this when the actual story appears ….. then I will put up some of my pictures :-))) …… meantime we can rely on Alex ……… he reminded me of the great and very true line by The Libertines ‘There are fewer more distressing sights than that of an Englishman in a baseball cap‘ hehehehehe………


[ 16 ] comments

  • Wheres your hat Bro? Out there the heat will get to you and before you know it, your find yourself doing all sorts of strange things…Like praising the law enforcement officers of a certain State, and playing with the local Rattlesnakes… Hope you managed to reach the endof the road,so to speak.. Stay Safe Mate xx

    PaulS @ May 26, 2014, 7:21 pm

  • Well we made it to the end of the road to complete the mission but then there was the slight problem of getting back down that road/donkey track in the dark :-/////// You will be glad to know I was wearing a spectacular hat …… a Kepi thingy one of those French Foreign legion things with a back of the neck sun protector flap ……. looks pretty silly but hey I’ve had it years its mega …… I only took it off to pour water on my head hehehehe ……. it was necessary bro :-))) No matter how hot it got I am unlikely to ever praise the Law enforcement community of Virginia or indeed begin Snake handling……. although I nearly went in for a bit of tranchelor spider handling ……. by accident I hasten to add …….. agggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhCheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog AZ :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 27, 2014, 1:32 am

  • Great meeting you guys in Shot in the Dark Cafe earlier today in downtown Tucson. Also great that someone is working on the horrific tale of the militarized American border.While it would be better if the world were happy bunnies and dancing elves, I’m glad I met you because I’ve gone through your site and your photos are quite amazing. I especially loved the English Defense Pig and Nelson Mandela.

    Be well.

    ScottC @ May 27, 2014, 12:16 am

  • Hehehehe…….. Nice to hear from you Scott……. thanks for checking out the blog ……. nice to meet you earlier on :-)))))) …….. I love it that you especially liked the EDL pig …… I loved that image when I made it but the magazine that commissioned it miserably failed to run it ??????? :-))))))) On the other hand that Mandela pic has had a fair bit of usage :-))))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog AZ :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 27, 2014, 1:36 am

  • Have you ever watched that movie “The Hills have Eyes”??

    Dirty Harry xx @ May 27, 2014, 3:39 am

  • No but I just watched the trailer …….. shiite I am glad I did not atch that before hanging out in the desert in the dark …….. its 3-30 AM now…… just completely freaked myself right out …… I highly recomend no one watch that trailer ……. especially if they r awake in the middle of the night in a grim little desert motel or heading for the desert anytime soon……. hehehehe………

    Jezblog AZ :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 28, 2014, 3:31 am

  • Hey Jezblog you seem to be dashing about all over the place last time i looked you were in the Philippines looks like fun.

    KraftService @ May 27, 2014, 3:41 am

  • I like to get about a bit hehehehe………. :-))))))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog AZ :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 28, 2014, 3:32 am

  • The Libertines were the last great British band. Discuss,

    Lee @ May 27, 2014, 2:04 pm

  • I meet folks who don’t like to take a photo if I am present thinking I should be doing it ……. but in this case I don’t like to write an essay about the Libertines in the presence of Alex Hannaford who’s selfie is pictured above …….. he is the writer of a book published by Random House …… ‘a biography of Pete Doherty ‘The Last of the Rock Romantics’ ‘ hehehehe…….. former music editor of London’s Evening Standard …… No wonder he can quote obscure bits of Libertines songs hehehehe…… Alex is surely the man for this essay ……..hehehehehehe………..Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog GA :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 28, 2014, 3:23 am

  • Wheels up Phoenix :-)) XX

    Jezblog AZ :-))) XX @ May 27, 2014, 6:38 pm

  • Wheels down in the big ATL :-))))))))))) XXXXXXXX

    Jezblog AZ :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 27, 2014, 11:58 pm

  • Clearly the one above cannot be right if u r wheels down in the big ATL then clearly u must be Jezblog GA not Jezblog AZ

    Jezblog GA :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 28, 2014, 12:00 am

  • Hey Jez! It’s Katie from Congress (in Tucson) that you met on Monday. I am so happy to have met and spoke with you. I hope you enjoyed Tucson and I look forward to one day seeing or hearing from you again. Have a great summer!!

    Katie Branson @ May 28, 2014, 5:31 pm

  • Tuscon was great ……. but already getting too hot for me…… The full on summer must be pretty brutal hehehehe……. lovely to meet you …….. thanks for checking in on Jezblog…… I can’t get your link to load it would be nice to see some of your pictures ……. I’ll have another go later :-))))))))) Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog GA :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ May 29, 2014, 12:46 am

  • Hey Jez! Many Adventures you go through! its Jose, One of they Guys That was with you in that trip through the dessert. I Was just wondering if you have a website with pictures of that day or if the story ever came out?

    Jose Gonzalez @ July 1, 2014, 12:24 am

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