Reindeer Dog : Ludlow : UK

Reindeer Dog : Ludlow : UK

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and winter holidays !!!!!!!! Sorry I have dropped off the screens for a week ……… I am now in Ludlow in Shropshire in the UK ……… I have been staying in a big old cottage with my family over Christmas down a little track in the woods not far from here ……… a lovely place but with no wifi not even phone signal………. completely off grid apart from the TV ……… it was like the 70’s all over again :-))))))) ……… it rained like crazy on some days so then we did watch a big pile of TV and movies……… it really was like the Christmas times of my childhood …………. it was great hehehehe …….. We did have a great time ……….. I did roll into Ludlow on Boxing Day they were having a hunt meeting so I watched the horses and their riders set off from the town……. weirdly they seemed to be short of their pack of hounds ?? ………. I wondered if that was because of legislation changes concerning hunting with dogs ????? ……… but ‘Mop’ here did not seem to be that concerned……….. she sat contendedly wearing her holiday reindeer horns and seemed to be just enjoying the spectacle :-))))))))))))))) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Happy Holidays to all readers of Jez blog :-)))))))))))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[ 9 ] comments

  • She doesn’t look too happy about those ears ! Happy new year Jez, have a great one.

    Bill Green @ December 29, 2013, 9:53 pm

  • Yes , she looks a little sad in those ears but when I went over to speak to her owners she was a very happy friendly dog and I have kinda thought she was happy in the crazy ears…. It’s true she didn’t seem to mind them…. But I did wonder how it was only mop got the crazy ears…. Probably so good natured she puts up with anything …. :-)))) ….. Happy New Year to you Bill …. I hope all is going good now and on into the new year….. Have a brilliant one bro ….Cheers Jez XXX

    Jezblog @ December 30, 2013, 7:20 am

  • Welcome Back Dude!!Oh yes, remember those old days, no i pads,mobiles etc..Just Morecombe n Wise to keep you sane…Glad to hear you had a good time,bet Nancy and her family just loved this weather… :?)..Happy New Year to all of you… and Jezblog followers of course..Stay Safe Bro xxx

    PaulS @ December 30, 2013, 6:26 am

  • The weather was so drastic…… At one point a tree fell on the drive way…. The long windy rutted road… So we were trapped in the cottage in the woods …. Luckily we had Morcambe and Wise… Well Miranda…. And Dr Who…. Hehehe…. Otherwise things coulda got nasty hehehehe……. Hope you and all yours had a lovely Christmas….. And are looking forward to the New Year…. Hope you and all yours have a brilliant one Paul :-)))))Cheers Jez XX

    Jezblog @ December 30, 2013, 7:32 am

  • Never been to Ludlow, infact I had to use Google maps to find where it actually was, lol.
    Glad you’re taking it easy away from all the tech…how many missed calls did you have ? 10, 20…lol.
    Take care

    Harv.! @ December 30, 2013, 8:04 pm

  • Hey Harv……. I have not been to Ludlow for like 20 years or something crazy but I used to go canoeing there as a kid……… its a rather beautiful old place with an amazing castle and 500 listed buildings in a small town As well as a demanding set of weirs on the river tene for canoeists…… :-))))))) …….. its an interesting place especially if you like canoeing and fish and chips …… as I did when I was a kid hehehehehe……. but it has amazing food now as its gone kinda gastro since I was a kid …… and I find myself much more admiring of the old buildings and the heritage of the place than I was……. and I’d probably get wiped out if I tried the weirs now hehehehe…… Happy New Year bro Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 3, 2014, 11:04 am

  • Hi – Mop’s owner here. Mop is the kindest, most gentle and most biddable dog you could ever wish to meet. She is quite happy wearing the antlers, she does it every year and she loves the attention it attracts. She has also been known to wear a baseball cap and spectacles. Our other girls will NOT wear anything. Mop is an old lady now – she will be 14 years old next April and there will never be another dog like her. She is much loved and I am so grateful to Jez for this wonderful photograph.

    Georgina Peacock @ December 31, 2013, 11:33 am

  • She certainly is a rather wonderful gentle dog…….. so nice to meet her and you :-)))))))))) Thankyou so much for allowing me to make this picture :-)))))))……….. Hope you all have a wonderful 2014 :-)))Cheers Jez XX

    PS…… here is Ringo my Jack Russell

    PPS….. Here she is again :-)))))

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 3, 2014, 4:49 pm

  • I love these arscelit. How many words can a wordsmith smith?

    Jeff @ February 24, 2015, 9:04 pm

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