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I was in DC today ……… at one point I pulled my rental car over …. probably kind of illegally I assumed ……. on the Washington Baltimore
Parkway ………. I sort of pulled into a driveway thingy ………. I was searching my phone for the email containing the route to … and address
of… one of the large corporations we work for out there near the Beltway ……… I then physically looked up to see I was actually parked in the
driveway of the NSA ………. a seriously illegal place to park up no doubt hehehe ………… and what’s more they had probably elctronically
swept, grabbed and read the entire data content of my phone by this stage ……….. hehehehe……….. funnily enough I had just been listening to
an NPR story on the radio about Defcon ………. the computer hackers convention on this week down in Vegas again ……… the correspondent
for NPR said that they still grab and display hacked secret passwords and secret data on “The Wall of Sheep’ ……… This is the wall of shame
for anyone attending the conference foolish enough to turn on their laptop in the hacker convention without 40 different cyber security
protocols running simultaneously to defend their computer from a hacking breach ……… I knew my ordinary casual and kinda lapse cyber
security systems would never keep those guys out ………. I did not once even risk turning on my computer for a single minute ….. I literally
never turned on my computer at all that whole time I was there at Defcon :))))
……… I would have been on ‘The Wall of Sheep’ for sure
……….. and I couldn’t help thinking I was probably already on the NSA’s equivalent to ‘The Wall of Sheep’ at that very moment as I sat and
used my phone….. asking for it ……. illegally parked right there outside their HQ :)))
PS………… This image above is one I shot down in Vegas that time for DefCon a couple of years back …… It’s of an Anonymous Hacker in
action :))
……. :))))
[ 6 ] comments
great image JC, and great story.
iODyne @ August 1, 2013, 3:38 am
They are on to you now A ……. hehehehe…….. :)))))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ August 1, 2013, 3:52 am
I`m amazed you never got hassele..Oh ,wait a minute..No Beast Car!..With the Union Jack displayed etc… Lucky Boy…this time, but you
prob. got a tracker on your phone now,so dont go to Vegas this weekend… Have Fun Bro xx
PaulS @ August 1, 2013, 7:44 am
Its true Bro the conventional looking rental car means you are not quite such a beacon to the law enforcement community…. you
know what they are like…. they just love The Beast hehehehe…….
Yes you know what they say about Vegas….??? ‘What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’ unless that of course its some kind of
tracking Trojan spyware that happens in Vegas ….. that stays with you long after you leave vegas….. in fact its still with you
whenever you log into your online banking where ever you are in the world ……. :///////
….. hehehehe……..
jezblog :))
XXX @ August 1, 2013, 8:52 am
Crazy story fantastic photo Jez :))
Kathy K @ August 1, 2013, 10:20 pm
NSA Director Kieth Alexander HECKLED and Cursed at Press Conference 39 BS You Lied To Congress 39 While
speaking at an
annual conference of hacker and cybersecurity experts…
Harv.! @ August 2, 2013, 9:20 am