Druids : Summer Solstice : Cornwall

Druids : Summer Solstice : Cornwall

Image description:
Today was the longest day……… here in Britain at least………… Druids were out celebrating the Summer Solstice up at Stonehenge this
morning……… although apparently the Summer sun totally failed to materialize…… This kind of thing is always the problem for any kind of a
sun worshiper in Britain ……… still I gather a good time was had by all …….. even the cops it seems were happy with the number of hippies
they busted for drugs at the event…….. ah yes a traditional sort of no sun summer in England’s West Country same as ever………. :)))))
This image above was shot at the stone circle in Ed Prynn’s house…….. In the lead up to the 1999 solar eclipse down in Cornwall……….. He
had built the stone circle himself and styled himself as Cornwall’s Arch Druid……… here is part of the caption:
Cornwall: Archdruid Ed Prynn has 30 standing stones in the yard of his St Merryn home, close to Tintagel, legendary site of King Arthur’s
Camelot The archdruid performed a series of dances ahead of the eclipse to try to draw out the sun from the gloomy weather. He said the skies parted
enough for the phenomenon to be seen.
“I’m floating on cloud nine,” he said. “It was as if Merlin himself pulled the clouds back so we could get a look.”
Pagan priestess Sue Ward said many people would have come to the eclipse looking for a spiritual experience.
“For pagan people this has probably the same significance as the millennium to Christians,” she said.
Hope he had sun in his circle today ……… but I somhow doubt that he did…….. :)))))))))))
[ 19 ] comments
Is this shot in a studio there is no sun to worship in Britain?
Kanga @ June 22, 2013, 3:28 am
No amazingly it really was sunny just before the eclipse……… so we really experienced it in all its amazing glory……… but I have to
agree any kind of sun worship in Britain is a bit of a thankless task……. especially today……. me and Ringo just got saoked ://///
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 22, 2013, 7:14 am
In that one in the middle Ken Barlow?
Lee @ June 22, 2013, 5:20 pm
Its a weird set up this …….. no doubt ……. but its honest straight forward Druiding……… kinda weird stuff sure …….. but I believe
generally harmless enough as weird stuff goes……….. I dont think its him …… Ken Barlow or at least his actor was into harmful grim
weird stuff if these current charges turn out be true………… if only he had been a harmless weirdo just building stone circles in his
back garden and dancing out there in his spare time simply for the joy of it :///
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 22, 2013, 6:08 pm
No seriously… Our Ken was actually a Druid… amongst other things.
Lee @ June 22, 2013, 6:19 pm
Ah……. no kidding……. u learn something everyday hehehe…….. so mostly he was harmlessly dancing round his back
garden stone circle………. thats good to know :))))))))))
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 23, 2013, 8:47 am
Oh no… sorry… It’s actually Chris Squire from Yes
Lee @ June 23, 2013, 5:07 pm
Close to the Edge :))))))))))))))
hehehehehe………. XXXXXXXX
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 23, 2013, 8:55 pm
still got the amazing photo you took of Ken and me on the top of St. Agnes beacon during the eclipse! x
Cathie @ June 22, 2013, 6:25 pm
Ah that was a fab day…….. kinda weird…….. it was a very interesting experience………. lovely to be there with you guys……. I
remember I was a little freaked all that stuff about you will go blind looking at the eclipse……. hehehe…….. Radio DJ’s etc……kept on
about do not look at the sun……. I am always staring at the sun through flags and in sunsets etc down my cameras as Ken was
pointing out………. but the radio was on about you will go blind bla bla……… it seemed best to concentrate on you and Ken and it
made a nice shot hehehe……….. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hope all is good ……. good luck for the London Show…… sadly I am away…… get Ken to send me the details I will mention it on here
and FB etc…….
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 23, 2013, 8:56 am
Ohhh bless you! They like to scare the bejeezus out of everyone those DJs 🙂 Sorry you won’t make Ken’s show, it’s at the
Oratory on the 13th July but I’ll get Ken to send you the full details. Take care and mind the sun lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cathie @ June 23, 2013, 7:09 pm
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 23, 2013, 8:54 pm
“Oops wrong planet”!!! :))))
Waco Jacko xxx @ June 23, 2013, 10:53 pm
‘You know when you’ve been Tangoed !’…… ‘er’…… ‘Ooops wrong altogether!!!!!!!!!!!’ :))))))))))))
Northern Line Lover :))
XXX @ June 24, 2013, 3:55 am
…are they wearing wellies?
Paul Close @ June 24, 2013, 5:34 am
Sun worshipers in England are wise to wear wellies…. they might be rather optomistic about the sun by most peoples standards……
but hey…… they are not crazy…… after all it’s not called mud Island for nothing……. wellies are always a good move in Britain no
matter what beliefs you hold or don’t hold…….. yes…. no matter what religion or deity you identify with, even if you are a druid or a
type………… one thing unites us all in Britain ……. the need for wellies …….. I heard a good one the other
day……. an overseas player…… ” I so love Wimbledon it’s so great to play here……. but I don’t know why they don’t hold it in the
Summer? …….. hehehehe………. cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 24, 2013, 7:01 am
Rolling 2 Heathrow on the tube… People r going to Wimbledon… That would be great but they should hold it in the Summer :))
hehehehehe :))
Jezblog iPhone London @ June 24, 2013, 9:30 am
too tired
to blog
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 25, 2013, 1:00 am
hmmm i think that was supposed to say too tired to blog…….. Im wheels down in my apartment in New York City :))))))))
jezblog NYC :))
XXX @ June 25, 2013, 8:29 am

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