Balloons on Sunset Blvd : Hollywood LA

Balloons on Sunset Blvd : Hollywood LA

Jez_small_balloonLA_sun_blv Here is another image from my drive to meet Barry on the film set……. I waited for the lights to change to get on to Sunset Boulevard from San Vicente……. these brightly colored balloons in the late afternoon sun caught my eye. I love shooting from cars and taxis…..Ive done it for years……I always include something of the vehicle….. it adds a perfect frame, a hint of the fleeting, transient nature of the view and some aspect of depth and three dimensions to the images.

[ 2 ] comments

  • So it’s true, there really is a perfect late afternoon light…

    joe @ August 26, 2006, 8:26 am

  • This shot definitely has lots of depth with the successive layers going into the photo. Its quite a complex composition, but I think works well.. I love what’s going on in the upper right very interesting. Great color in the baloons too!

    John Zeweniuk @ August 26, 2006, 10:10 pm

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