Pickup Truck and The Beartooth Mountains : Red Lodge : Montana

Pickup Truck and The Beartooth Mountains : Red Lodge : Montana


Lee is right …….. It feels like a long time ago when I posted the last image sorry about that …………. Lee thinks it might have been way way back ………… so long ago it was just as Arthur Scargill and the boys were mass picketing Silver Birch and his strike breaking coal crew up in Nottinghamshire ……….. yeah it almost feels like I last posted way back in the days when we in the UK still had something that could be described as a coal industry that was under threat ……….. maybe it wasn’t quite that long ago Lee ……… but its been a while sorry ……. its certainly time for another post …………. :-/ 🙂 :-))))) XXXXXX

Weirdly I have not been zapping around so I have no excuse ……. I have been in London for 10 days or more ………. making giant prints ………. there is something totally engrossing about making physical things ……… having some physicality to the output of the mission ……….. in these times where everything is digital ……… when my work leaves for the clients totally digitally, apparently never gaining any physicality in my presence ………… its been kind of great to be a maker of physical objects again ………. for me it feels so totally different ……. back in the day I used to get fed up with prints and printing …….. but ultimately underneath I guess I really loved them certainly I have missed them.

Yeah I guess I had almost forgotten how much I love prints ………… especially the large prints ……. Their impact and presence ………….. I’m thinking of putting some together as a show ………… I will let you know when all that comes together :-))))))))))))))))

Its great to be still for a while …… makes a change for me ………… on the other hand ………… MinhTu is on a mega road trip round America ………… its nice to see her updates from the road ………. hey you know me I still love to roll ………. when I see her posts it reminds me of being on the road in America ……… last year i drove through 27 American States :-/ :-))))) …….. Matt tells me we have possible things things coming up in the far East so maybe a possible trip to the Philippines and Vietnam :-))) ……….. And other stuff possibly coming up in America ……. in Texas, New York, Rhode Island, Mississippi blah blah …….. so I have a feeling I should enjoy a little bit of the unusual stillness while it lasts ……… I shall be rolling accross the world and in the mighty US of A before too long.

I think one of my fave legs of that 27 State drive last year ……… was rolling through Montana ……… partly because I had never been there before ………. partly because it was so incredibly beautiful ………. partly because I really felt I was off the beaten track ………. contending with properly snow blocked mountain roads ……… that were not gonna just suddenly be fixed in a that kind of metropolitan urban way ……… no these roads were going to stay blocked until finally the Spring sunshine managed to overpower the Winter snow.


PS………. It looks like MinhTu will be visiting Matt and Keith in Atlanta ……….. while I could well be rolling to Ho Chi Minh City ……… just how wrong is that ……… ????????? :-))))))))))) XXXXXXXXXXXXX


[ 8 ] comments

  • Central command here… Ho Chi Min City and Manila are set… maybe a short trip to China as well 🙂

    Matt @ April 1, 2014, 10:46 pm

  • Thanks bro I am on it :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ April 2, 2014, 4:22 am

  • I don’t know why you’re bothering with this new fangled printing nonsense. It’ll never catch on

    Lee @ April 2, 2014, 12:19 pm

  • These prints are a funny mix of ultra modern and methods that could not be more traditional….. Such fun to churn out giant physical pieces very different from the laptop screen…. Mr Took would be proud :-)))) cheers bro Jez XXX

    Jezblog London :-))) XX @ April 3, 2014, 4:58 am

  • So, you aint be rolling for a while? You must be pulling your hair out :?).. Hope you and the family are well Bro…Does this mean you wont be at home to celebrate your (our) big birthday,in the next couple of weeks?..Stay Safe Dude xx

    PaulS @ April 2, 2014, 2:15 pm

  • I am about to roll to Vietnam….. So 10 days in one place seems like a nice rest :-))) …. Looks like I shall be rolling for my Birthday as ever….. When I was 21 I was in Belfast with IRA blokes for my 21st!! bday…. Kinda weird thing for a Brummie to do…. Oh well this is the next big one…… It’s not everyday you are 28…. Happy 28th to you too bro …..: ;-))))))) :-))))) :-)))))) hehehehe XXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))) XX @ April 3, 2014, 5:05 am

  • These prints are a funny mix of ultra modern and methods that could not be more traditional….. Such fun to churn out giant physical pieces very different from the laptop screen…. Mr Took would be proud…..

    Jezblog London :-))) XX @ April 3, 2014, 4:57 am

  • Digital prints or are in you back in the dark with the smell of fix and stop to make your eyes water.
    I’m sure all those chemicals will come back to haunt us all at some point later in life.

    Harv.! @ April 5, 2014, 7:46 am

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