Early Empire State of Mind : New York City : USA

Early Empire State of Mind : New York City : USA


I was up very early in NYC this morning ……. it was snowing …… Im up late in Atlanta now …… gotta kip ……..

[ 9 ] comments

  • U and all the men of our former regiment….are a fine bunch of men!

    Judge Strauss Kahn xx @ February 18, 2015, 4:50 am

  • As the judge said you guys fine bunch of men ….. case dismissed ….. its important to have pedigree ….. Yeah I like a little pedigree ….. Pedigree Chum…. for energy, health and a fine coat :-)) XXXXXX

    Ours is not 2 reason why @ February 18, 2015, 11:35 am

  • Is that one of those new Nissan Taxis u were mentioning ? The taxi of tomorrow?

    kathyR @ February 18, 2015, 11:40 am

  • Yes …… I think they are pretty nice inside…. but I have not been in one ….. I find them hard to get used to …… I am at the mo still a fan of the ‘taxi of yesterday’ aesthetically at least hehehehe……….

    Jezblog NYC :-)) XXX @ February 18, 2015, 11:42 am

  • Old Skool Bro…Stick with what you know,and believe in,, :?)… Hope all is Good..xx

    PaulS @ February 18, 2015, 4:54 pm

  • Yes I am gradually excepting the new shaped Taxis of all description but if I am honest I still like to see the old Skool Crown Vics the traditional style New York Taxi that I recognize as the iconic yellow cab of all the movies I grew up with ……. and that still ruled supreme when I first arrived in NYC ….. I know the new ones have better gas mileage etc…. and yet and yet …… I’m glad when I drove my first New York Cab it was a proper Beast Car…… an old skool Crown Vic :-))))) XXXXCheers bro hope all is good Jez XXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog NYC :-)) XXX @ February 18, 2015, 8:06 pm

  • Been a nasty cold spell here, but surprisingly even these new fragile taxis seem to be holding up well with all the potholes,and the rest that comes with it. Next time you’re in town give me a yell and I’ll swing by to pick up those cards bro, I actually have another photog friend who wants to take the leap into the yellow universe ! Ha! Cheers til then bro, safe travels 🙂

    KINGOFNEWYORKHACKS @ February 19, 2015, 2:41 am

  • Aggggghhhhh so sorry baby ……. I was there ….. I shot a job and flew out…… with a tiny bit of messing about in the snow shooting Taxis……. but I shoulda arranged your cards to be returned…… I got up at 3AM …… to shoot something of taxis in the snow before I flew out yesterday …….. if u need the cards fast bro ….. I could probably get Greg to find em for u they are in a filing cabinet in NYC …… cos right now I am in Atlanta ….. working till Friday …… then on Sat I fly to London for a shoot on Monday …… but on Tuesday I fly to Toronto …… then back to London I think …… its getting a little crazy …… not sure when I will be back in NYC ….. prob at least a couple of weeks……. aaaaggghhhhh ………Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog NYC :-)) XXX @ February 19, 2015, 3:44 am

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