Rainbow Rising from Mississippi Forests : USA

Rainbow Rising from Mississippi Forests : USA


Sorry if you have been checking in for an update ……… I guess even I just need to sleep sometimes …….. hehehe……. So what with one thing and another and zapping about as ever …… there has been nothing posted to my blog for well over a week …… Sorry…. What can I say …. I will try to do better hehehehe :-)))))))) …… so here it is the long overdue update……. :-))))

Yesterday….. On Sunday …… I had a big story in the Sunday Times Mag……. A story researched and written by Danny Fortson …….. It was shot in Mississippi, Louisiana and Yorkshire ……. Funny mix right?

Suffice to say it concerns the fuel for the biggest of the polluting power stations in Western Europe …… Drax Power Station…… up in Yorkshire ……. Drax is attempting to ‘go green’ by pursuing a ‘Biomass’ strategy …….. This means generating electricity by burning trees (and straw etc) not coal …… (some straw can be sourced locally without controversy and converted into the burnable pellets on the Drax site) …….. But the amount of trees they need for the bulk of the new fuel pellets …….. Well…… thats where Mississippi comes in …… as you see above they have a fair few trees in Louisiana and Mississippi………… so Drax is coming up with a plan that involves buying trees on mass in Mississippi building a pellet plant to mash the trees into pellets get those pellets driven to the port where they are then transferred to ships…… shipped from the US to the UK …… transferred from the port to Drax where they are then burned to generate electrical power……… now whether this is economically viable or actually green…….. Well …… thats where the controversy really lies ……. for a proper analysis of all the issues you need to read Danny’s Sunday Times Magazine piece………

I shot this image above flying by helicopter to the Drax pellet making factory in the heart of the Mississippi managed forests ……….. so I need to shoot the trees below as we fly…… but it’s a little bit of a grey and rainy day half the time we cannot even see the trees …… then amazingly the clouds part just enough to see the trees in sunlight…… and a rainbow ……… you gotta love a rainbow …… a gift from the “Gods of Photography” as a mate of mine would always say at the sight of such a wondrous natural phenomena at just the right moment :-)))))))))))

Cheers Jez XXXXXXX :-)))))))))))))))) XXXXXXXXX


[ 20 ] comments

  • A gift from the Gods indeed..Glad to see your back,we were getting worried…Strange mix that makes sensewhen you read through etc.. I have decided to enter the world of Instagram, so keep your eyes peeled for some award winning snaps…Hope all is good Bro xx ps Part of this decision involves the fact that I still cant hold my camera up yet, due to the operation.. :?)

    PaulS @ September 29, 2014, 2:33 pm

  • Hello matey glad to hear u r up and about and photographing…. Tricky that U R not able to hold your full on heavy duty cameras…. Hopefully u will be fixed up eventually ..?? Instagram it’s the way forward dude…. Well I understand that to be the case from just about everyone else hehehe….. Sometimes I enjoy it … But I’m not sure I have really got my head round it fully….. Only put the odd personal pic on it…. Truth is I would rather shoot on the big cameras generally…. It’s nice to fiddle with only the phone then share it straight away….. But I am not like half the peeps I know who r turning out Instagram images all day…. Even on assignments for other mags….? It is the new new thing baby u should get on to it hehehehe…….. What’s ur Instagram handle ? I think I am just Jezblog ….. Any way I hope u r all fixed up pretty soon broCheers Jez XXX

    Jezblog @ September 29, 2014, 2:48 pm

  • It took me ages to get a name that was free so, Iwanttoridemymotorcycle it is!!..Short,sharp andto the point…Well,maybe not… :?) Physio starts this week,and they have promised me lots of pain!! Cant wait…I hope to be back with the big camera asap…Hope all is good Bro Stay Safe xx

    PaulS @ September 30, 2014, 5:06 am

  • I think Queen set your name to music ……. :-)))))))) hehehehe…….I injured my shoulder somehow throwing the ball for the dog….. so even with this slight injury the cameras can be a problem …… i can see you r gonna be enjoying the phsyio before u get back to the big boys toys in the camera dept…… meantime if u get your head around instagram maybe i could drop in for a lesson hehehehe……. Hope u r on the mend soon without too much pain….. cheers bro Jez XXXXX

    Jezblog London :-)) @ September 30, 2014, 7:51 am

  • Queen ha ha,never thought of that… Should of used Flash instead :?).. Rock `n` Roll Baby…. Stay Safe xx

    PaulS @ September 30, 2014, 9:05 am

  • Gordon’s Alive? ….. Sheer Heart Attack ? We Will Rock You? We R the Champions? Nah ….. I’m in Love with my Car hmmmmm….. Or Maybe Another one Bites the Dust? hehehehe…… Yeah that would be better for me ….. I’m not sure my photography is quite balmy enough for Bohmeian Rhapsody …… although maybe I am grimly 1970’s enough for it hehehehe………Cheers Bro Jez XXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-)) @ September 30, 2014, 9:39 am

  • I read somewhere about the staggering carbon emissions that a single large container ship produces every year..literally the equivalent of millions of cars, the logics behind this is utterly depressing..let’s get real and go nuclear…or just bury our heads in the sand, chant platitudes about sustainability and err burn a load of trees from somewhere else in the world..Obviously that is somehow..”carbon neutral” :-((

    Ramsey Snow xx @ September 30, 2014, 1:34 pm

  • I saw even ….. hang on…… was it friends of the Earth?…. yes I think it was Friends of the Earth …… or was it GreenPeace had started to support going nuclear…… after all that Atom Kraft Nein Danke ….. mind u come to think of it…… the Germans have almost totally got out of Nuclear…. making themselves dependent on Mr Putin……. u can’t win in this game :-))))))))Cheers bro Jez XXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-)) @ October 1, 2014, 7:05 pm

  • Have you seen the story about the naked man in Atlanta airport?..I was so relievedwhen I realised you were still inLondon.. :?).. hee,hee xx

    PaulS @ October 3, 2014, 4:04 am

  • I wondered why Matt was not answering yesterday….. complete radio silence….. apart from the mysterious ‘send pants’ text ???? Now it all becomes clear :-)))

    Jezblog London @ October 4, 2014, 4:48 am

  • Jez must be so busy! Great photo though.

    Nick Well @ October 8, 2014, 7:35 am

  • I’ve just landed in Seattle it might be time to come out of the wood work……. i’ve been kinda off grid…… its a long story ….:-)))) XXXX

    Jezblog Seattle :-)) @ October 23, 2014, 8:17 pm

  • Last I heard, Jez was chasing the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow… For sure, for sure :?)

    PaulS @ October 9, 2014, 2:57 am

  • To be sure to be sure……. I’m back having been kinda off grid….. I’ve just landed in Seattle :-)))) XXXXX

    Jezblog Seattle :-)) @ October 23, 2014, 8:19 pm

  • Where exactly is Mr Kurtz (sorry I meant to say Could in 🙂 )

    Colonel Willard xx @ October 13, 2014, 5:44 am

  • just round the corner … staying with my pal lucy who knows adrian..hear your in town for a week would love to see you. valerie (back from Perpignan after 13 years.!!!!)

    valerie boyd @ October 16, 2014, 7:14 pm

  • 13 years in Pepignan !!!! ……. wow thats some holiday !!!! Did u go to all the festivals …… :-)))))))) Wow its lovely u r back Val welcome back …… for some reason I was just kinda off grid having technical problems on the South Coast and being weirdly not really with it on the blog front …. sorry to u and all others thinking wheres he got to ……. Its true I was in London for a few days I went to the Freize show ….. now I am wheels down in Seattle just about to take a flight to Alaska …… are u back in London permanently …. are u gonna get back into the photography game ??? Its amazing how time flies how can it be 13 years?? u must have a good tan …… hehehehe……… Hopefully u will still be there when I get back to London!!!Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog Seattle :-)) @ October 23, 2014, 8:28 pm

  • Earth calling JC…are you out there??

    Jackuss xx @ October 18, 2014, 12:13 pm

  • For here
    Am I sitting in a tin can
    Far above the world
    Planet Earth is blue
    And there’s nothing I can doThough I’m past one hundred thousand miles
    I’m feeling very still
    And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
    Tell my wife I love her very much she knows”

    Ground Control to Major Tom
    Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong
    Can you hear me, Major Tom?
    Can you hear me, Major Tom?
    Can you hear me, Major Tom?
    Can you….

    Jezblog Seattle :-)) @ October 23, 2014, 8:33 pm

  • I think he’s really gone this time.

    Lee @ October 22, 2014, 1:45 pm

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