Car 51 with Jez Coulson : Harlem : NYC

Car 51 with Jez Coulson : Harlem : NYC


A vision of sheer beauty ………. with Jez Coulson leaning on it :-))))))))))))))))

Here it is my selfie with Car 51 a classic ‘Beast Car’ …… ‘Yellow Cab’ ……. a ‘Queen Vic’ ………. DaDaDa……Daaaaa!!!!!! Fanfare …… Que crowd noise….. : “The first NYC taxi I ever drove !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” ….. Que crazed crowd noise :-)))))))))))) hehehehe……… OK cut crowd noise :-))))))))))))

Yeah …… here I am halfway through my first ever shift wearing my ‘taxi driver shirt’ :-)) ……. parked up in Harlem ……..hehehehe…………

Yeah ……. I passed my Hack license …….. The NYC taxi driver exam ……… now I am a fully licensed NYC taxi driver …….. hehehe…… Crazy right? :-))))))) Admittedly I have only ever done it once so far ….. I have been kinda busy ………. But all went well …. no fatalities not even any minor dings …………… I managed to convey a fair few passengers happily to their destinations …….. And I even just about managed to make a very meager profit on my first night ….. It really was a very unimpressive sum for 12 hours work ……. but hey ……… at least I didn’t make a loss ……. hehehehe ……… :-)))))))))


[ 18 ] comments

  • Are you serious Bro?… So many questions, when are you likey to get the time to continue with this career? A in`t the King of Cabs gonna be upset your stepping into his patch?.. hee hee… We all need a back up plan in case of emergency :?)…Hope all is good Dude xx

    PaulS @ September 1, 2014, 4:30 am

  • Its true bro …….. hehehehe……. I’m not sure this is really gonna take up my entire life but hey I might float round NYC in a yellow cab from time to time …….. hehehehe…….. it was great … shot the odd photo …….. pretty hard to make a living out of it though ………. gotta say I was kinda shocked by the hours worked to money gained ratio …….. hehehe……… so I think I will stick to the day job mostly :-))) ……. but hey while I am hanging out in NYC I’m gonna be rolling in the Beast cab occaisionally hehehehe………. Maybe shooting the odd NYC taxi related image while I am at it …….. :-))))))))) I’ll pick u up at JFK next time yr in town …….. hehehehehe………Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXX

    PS ,,,,,,,,,I am no threat to the King …… he is the King ….. I am a meager house servant to one of his ladies in waiting …… hehehehe……….

    Jezblog @ September 1, 2014, 9:02 am

  • “All the animals come out at night”

    Travis Bickle xx @ September 1, 2014, 8:21 am

  • weirdly I was kinda shocked to see a stat that claims its 100 times more dangerous to be a NY cabbie than a NY cop …….. I prob need to shave my head :-)))))) XXXXXX

    Jezblog @ September 1, 2014, 9:04 am

  • I’ve got a friend who drives a cab in Austin– he meets all kinds of interesting characters with all kinds of stories. I’ve ridden with him & it’s fascinating– you get these little personal snippets of someone’s life whether it is them talking to you or them talking to someone on their cell phone & you never know what part of their journey in life you’re going to catch them at when you get that first request for a cab. I never found it boring when I was with him but then I immediately started chit chatting with everyone because as you know, I never meet a stranger. 🙂 Stay safe doing it!

    GC @ September 1, 2014, 8:51 am

  • Its completely fascinating …….. the folks getting in the cab bring their own weather …… almost ……. they bring their own story and atmosphere and personality and dramas ……. its amazing …… then u get the little mission of joining in with them on their quest to get accross town …….. taking them home from the their hotel job ……. or taking them to Union Sq cos they are in town from Texas …….. or to find their errant boyfriend :-))))))))))Totally fascinating …… to be continued :-))))))


    Jezblog @ September 1, 2014, 9:10 am

  • You need to find a Hackney and paint it yellow ? Harv.!x

    Harv.! @ September 1, 2014, 11:12 am

  • I have a black car in London …. And a yellow one in NYC…. Gotta be honest the black BMW is a tiny bit more comfy than the crown Vic… And driving a big yellow car has some crazy side effects … Like as u r casually drifting off while stuck in traffic…. Folks just suddenly get in…. I get this kinda alarm thi g happening in my head… Whats happening ???? Then I suddenly remember I am driving a taxi … I’m supposed to Want people to jump in…. Hehehehe…. I could do without that in London too ….. Hehrhehe

    Jezblog Delta JFK :-))) XX @ September 1, 2014, 6:09 pm

  • Can you pick me up from Newark Airport in November?

    Lee @ September 1, 2014, 3:00 pm

  • Well technically it is an offence for a NYC yellow cab to pick up at NJ … I can take u there…. But not pick up passengers anywhere in NJ ….. Maybe we should forget alk that and just have beer in town… No cryptic notes this time be specific… Lets try and get together hehehehe …. Wheels up JFK -))) XX

    Jezblog Delta JFK :-))) XX @ September 1, 2014, 6:01 pm

  • Actually I’m going to Boston. I said Newark for comic effect. But then again that’s only up the road for a jet setting photojournalist citizen of the world., isn’t it?

    Lee @ September 2, 2014, 3:43 pm

  • Gimme a shout u never know …… but I am slightly more likely to come if u divert to Alaska ……. the most northernly ….. the last American state …… the only one I have never been to ……..I gotta go there ….. need an excuse ….. I have been to Boston a good few times……but its a mega mighty place u will love it :-)))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog @ September 2, 2014, 9:06 pm

  • I’ve never been to Boston so it’s trip I’m looking forward to. I haven’t ticked off as many states as you have (obviously!) but Massachusetts is another one off the list. Mind you, I’ve never been to Washwood Heath either… there’s always somewhere new to go.

    Lee @ September 3, 2014, 2:43 pm

  • My mum used to be a Labour councillor for Washwood Heath back in the day …… as a kid I would answer the phone to tons of folks from Washwood Heath …… my mums consituents hoping for her to fix problems and address issues for them …… they would sound off to us as if e worked in her well staffed office ……. when of course we were 8 year old kids struggling with a half way credible message ……. but the joke is I don’t even remember ever going to Washwood Heath mysel???? …….. hehehehe……Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog @ September 3, 2014, 8:39 pm

  • Niceeeeeeeeeee car bro!!!!!!!!

    Dance classes NYC @ September 4, 2014, 7:01 am

  • :-)))))))))))))))))) XXXXXXXX

    Jezblog @ September 4, 2014, 10:14 pm

  • Control, this is 67 here, I dont wanna do the pick up at number 83….. Old song that I prob. got lyrics wrong anyway… Hope all is good Broxx

    PaulS @ September 6, 2014, 2:10 pm

  • To tell you the truth
    I had a bad, bad night
    My girl left home
    In the middle of a fight(Sorry about that 67, sorry to hear that)

    Controller have mercy on me
    I don’t wanna do the pick-up at number 83
    And the girl of my dreams left me all alone
    And at number 83 is where she made her home

    (Ah-hah, I see 67, I understand your problem)

    Is there something else you want me to do-ooh, yeah
    (Yes, you can have another job 67)
    You know I’m only here to please you
    (Stand by all cars, stand by)
    (Time for a pick-up at 83 Royal Gardens)
    (First call for 83 Royal Gardens)
    (Can somebody give me a time for the pick-up?)
    (Stand by 67, we’ll have an other job for you shortly)
    (Calling all cars, calling all cars)
    (Time for a pick-up at 83 Royal Gardens)
    (First call to 83 Royal Gardens)
    (Somebody give me a time)
    (Can you do it car 23?)

    Jezblog Driver 67 @ September 6, 2014, 3:33 pm

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