Marfa Fuel Tanks : Waiting for Rain in The High Desert : Texas

Marfa Fuel Tanks : Waiting for Rain in The High Desert : Texas


I am in Marfa …… up in the High Desert of Western Texas …….. it is a weird place that mixes the feeling of decay with a very strong art of minimalism ………. I know these things sound kind of opposite ends of any spectrum ……… and yet they kind of blend here ………. the desert winds gradually decay all man made objects especially buildings around here …… there are many ruins decaying in this once withering away railway and ranching town ……… but the town has been economically rescued by the minimalist art of the previously New York based world renowned Donald Judd ………. He came here in the latter part of his life and placed some of his giant minimalist sculptures that are his trademark in the desert and in a series of old military barracks buildings that he took over that are now collectively The Chinati Founadtion……….. he then persuaded other artists to contribute to his amazing display down here ……. this in turn attracted other artists……. and tourists …….. to visit …… and many artists to live in the town ……… this has all been the catalyst that has revived the town’s economic fortunes ……….. now its a funny mix of ranching folks and artists ………

I chatted to some ranching guys at a bar called the Lost Horse Saloon listening to a great country band ……. then I had a beer with Fran Christina the drummer with The Fabulous Thunderbirds at a Marfa Public Radio Party ……….. Then I had some dinner with Ishion Hutchinson a very cool Jamaican poet ………. on the Lannan residency here in Marfa ………… considering its a good 3 hour drive from any half way decent size airport ……. only has a couple of thousand residents in all ………. and is completely surrounded on all sides by desert …….. amazingly ………. this little place is totally rocking ……….. hehehehehe……….

And Donald Judd‘s stuff …….. his oversize aluminium boxes particularly ……… were kinda magical in his giant buildings in the desert this afternoon …………..

Oh yeah and last night I also saw the Marfa Lights ……….. this weird unexplained phenomena ………. very weird ……. and again kind of wonderful …………

Yeah well worth a trip if you are ever ‘think to motor West’ ………. :-))))))))))))))))))))))


PS………… These old petrol/diesel tanks in the middle of town ………. seemed to me……….. to actually have both ……. a kind of almost minimalism ………… and a sense of decay………..

[ 10 ] comments

  • Wow i ould love to visit Marfa, have fun 🙂 X

    Kathy K @ July 28, 2014, 9:42 am

  • Yeah its hard to get to and even harder to explain……. but once you are there you get it ! Thats their tag line hehehe…….. just about right hehehehe…….. Although right now mega thunder is settig off all the car alarms………. big storm coming through….. drama drama……… :-))))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog ATL :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 28, 2014, 9:46 am

  • That should be Jezblog Marfa :-)) not ATL ……. :-)) XXXXX

    Jezblog Marfa :-)))))))) XXXXX @ July 28, 2014, 9:54 am

  • Hey, Jez… When we pulled up to Prada Marfa I snapped a shot of you taking a shot & I sent it to you via your FB messages. Since we’re not friends it went to Other– just felt strange to know who you were & NOT make the effort to let you have it. It was lovely meeting you Out Yonder, as we Texans say. 🙂

    Glenda Capps-Allen @ July 28, 2014, 10:07 am

  • Hi there …… I’ll see if I can arrange it for us to be friends on FB hehehe……. lovely to meet you too’ Out yonder’ both sides of Marfa hehehehe……… Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog Marfa :-)))))))) XXXXX @ July 28, 2014, 10:16 am

  • I know! We were leaving the Marfa Lights Viewing Center, thinking, It’s not going to happen tonight & I was soooo disappointed because I wanted to give Randy that experience for his birthday— & I heard you talking & thought, There CANNOT be another British photojournalist out here! I told Randy if we ran into you again I was going to ask if you were stalking us. Heh. In 2012 my daughter & I were out there for our annual Big Bend Mother Daughter trip & we kept running into Beyonce like that & I DID ask her body guards that question. They were not amused. It’s a big sky/small world kind of place & it is FULL of awesome people & adventures. Take care.

    GC @ July 28, 2014, 12:22 pm

  • It certainly is a big sky / small world kinda place filled with awsome folks hehehehe……… so lovely to meet u guyz…….. it was funny to see u either end of Marfa both times out in in the desert with the mega skys and the far off horizon…….. and both times with ‘the what on earth is this we are looking at thing’ going on hehehehe……… :-))))))))))Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog El Paso :-)))))))) XXX @ July 29, 2014, 11:53 am

  • Sounds like the kinda place we all should visit Bro… Hope all is good..Stay Safe xx

    PaulS @ July 29, 2014, 3:00 pm

  • Ok so I rolled outta the desert … Woz wheels up outta El Passo … Now I’m about to be wheels up outta The big ATL :-)) XX

    Jezblog Delta :-))) XX @ July 29, 2014, 9:37 pm

  • Now I am wheels down in NYC back in the big city :-))))))) XXXXX

    Jezblog NYC :-)))))))) XXXXXXX @ July 30, 2014, 1:18 am

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