Hanging Out at Terminal 2 : JFK : NYC

Hanging Out at Terminal 2 : JFK : NYC

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Well, it was a day of woe and drama in the skies over the NE quadrant of the USA ……… mega storms paralyzed airports and grounded tons of
flights and a hard landing on the runway at LGA blocked that important NYC airport for hours ………. I spent the day at JFK the biggest NYC
airport ……. first waiting about in terminal 4 …. then waiting at three different gates at terminal 2 before finally the expected flight turned up ……
then I waited another 1.5 hours with the plane on the tarmac before it could take off again ……….. an Egyptian woman I spoke to who had just
arrived from Cairo did not believe there were any storms (although a quick peek out of the window might have caused something of a rethink)
…….. she instead preferred to blame the US government …. this was all designed to control ignorant people :)))
??? …… I often enjoy a totally off the wall ‘conspiracy theorist’ …… I have known some great Egyptian ‘conspiracy theorists’ previously they certainly do seem to enjoy a culture of ‘conspiracy theories’ in the Middle East :)))
…… Some of these Egyptian guys I knew previously were right up there ….. they really
were some of the most entertaining ‘conspiracy theorists’ I have ever known ………. they seemed to need no reason or evidence and they
were never diffident ….. theirs were the purist form of ‘conspiracy theories’ not sullied by evidence or any hint of reason and always delivered
with verve and passion ……… so I listened politely today ……. after all the free entertainment was needed I was going nowhere ……….. there
was hours and hours more of government generated and implemented pretend storms to keep up the ‘ground stop’ ……… :))))
gotta kip………
[ 6 ] comments

Talking of conspiracies…
The official story that Boston bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev had shot himself in the throat and unable to talk seems to be
completely false, his throat looks pretty much intact to me in the photographs released in anger at the Rolling Stone cover ?
But it is the official US government and they always tell the truth, so we better believe them, lol.
Harv.! @ July 23, 2013, 10:26 am
Oh yes Im sure there are plenty of things that have weird and wonderful explanations ……. But denying that storms could be
causing planes to divert or that there are any storms at all…… despite the evidence of your own eyes…….. I don’t know strikes me
as representing a mindset where belief and statement of belief is a way of life……… logic, truth, evidence or plain reality does not
have proper purchase….. statement of belief is everything…….. it’s a culture I find fascinating but I am always slightly incredulous
when i come across it in a very pure form……. :)))
jezblog :))
XXX @ July 23, 2013, 11:14 am
When going through the work permit red tape for the U.S. did you have your iris scanned ?…I think I’m right in that everyone
entering the U.S. is finger printed ? Won’t be long until it’s dna…forget 1984, it’ll be far worse.
Harv.! @ July 23, 2013, 11:52 am
When u go in and out they photograph your face and match it with their records and they take your finger prints and match
that to their records on you …….. its pretty 1984 …… but they don’t have anywhere near as many CCTV cameras as the
UK in ordinary life …… if all these things merge with Britains survellience society and the US record keeping of its citizens
and interest in digital information gathering you really will have big brother society …… in an age of face recognition and big
data…….. in the end privacy will have disappearred government will always know were u are and what you are up to……….
Big Brother really will be watching :/
jezblog :))
XXX @ July 23, 2013, 12:37 pm
Like your East German Miners on your website. Would like to see more on miners
Builder Levy @ July 24, 2013, 9:02 pm
Hey Builder …….. was just checking out your amazing B&W images from West Virginia etc…….. very cool …… are you still working
on mines and miners now?
Here is something we shot in West Virginia mine :)))))))))
jezblog :))
XXX @ July 25, 2013, 12:38 am

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