Jez On Walkabout USA : South Dakota : USA

Jez On Walkabout USA : South Dakota : USA

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Well, ……. I am kind of on walkabout ……. Matt and I drove to Chicago ……. Then on to Minnesota to work on two different assignments ……… driving to Chicago and further from Atlanta would not be our normal modus operandi ……… and Matt then did the sensible thing and flew back to Atlanta from Minnesota ………. I weirdly drove on …….. Yeah …. Like I say…. I am kind of on walk about ……… but maybe you already know this?

Anyway, I am putting together a collection of pictures to eventually be a book……… I am trying to create a set that has something of the zeitgeist of America in the beginning of the 21st century …….. I want to have the option of images from every State in the USA ……….

Some States I spend a lot of time in so I have many pictures …….. but some States I have still never been to …….. this is my first time in either of the Dakotas ………. and weirdly amongst the most obvious I have still never been to Idaho or Utah………. so I want take in at least those two on this trip …….. and you are right they are a fair way off from here ……… I am currently in Hot Springs South Dakota……… quite close to the state line with Nebraska ……… if you look at the photo above of the map I marked up with Matt in Minneapolis as a suggested route you get the basic idea …….. by that stage we had already done the black line of the Atlanta to Minneapolis leg (bottom right to almost top right of the route)……… Now, I have completed the leg Minneapolis to the bottom of South Dakota ( funny squiggle in yellow block central top of route)…….. so I am making progress but still a very long way to go ……….. I have made some worthwhile pictures too …….. :-)))

If you look at this route and have ideas or suggestions of things I should be looking at or shooting……… let me know ………….. :-))))))))))

If I am passing your house at least come out and wave :-)) ………. if I am not passing you ……. drop me a line on the blog here ……….. :-)))))))))

And if I am off grid periodically you will know why……….. I will probably be lost in the ‘Bad Lands’ of The Dakotas or ‘The Salt Flats’ of Utah or anywhere in between …………… :-)))))))))


[ 19 ] comments
I just read that they’re holding meetings across Wyoming to discuss the wolf problem and the correct approach to culling them…
remember, if you have a wolf encounter, check your aperture before the shot, check your pants after 🙂
Matt @ May 2, 2013, 9:00 am
I love wolves………. one of my fave pictures shows a wolf jumping from one ice floe to another………. does not mean i would not
have to check my apature………. hehehehe………
Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXX
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 2, 2013, 11:45 am
This is crazy how long will you spend on this?
Kathy K @ May 2, 2013, 9:01 am
hmmmmmmmm ……… not sure end to end……… maybe 3 weeks maybe more……… I know slightly nutz………
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 2, 2013, 11:46 am
If you’re going to Wyoming it has to be Devil’s Tower ?…go at night an you’ll see the UFOs.
Harv.! @ May 2, 2013, 12:41 pm
wooooooooooow dude……………….
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 3, 2013, 1:31 am
Its a long way to drive just to get pictures of Ronald Mcdonald in every state Bro… Wolves?.. Relegation awaits them.. hee,hee
PaulS @ May 2, 2013, 1:41 pm
I saw the Netherlands has got a new King…….. for a minute I thought they were all wolves fans all decked in the regulation
orange…….. its always worth travelling to the Wolves……. as long as you support the opposition :)))))))))
Here is one I did in Maine ……… …….. :)))
Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXX
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 3, 2013, 1:24 am
My FB friend Scotti Harris could help you out with things to photograph in Montana. Feel free to contact her and tell her I sent you.
Lynda @ May 2, 2013, 2:59 pm
Thankyou :))))))))))
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 3, 2013, 1:30 am
Are you still in SD? If you need more SD connections, these folks would be a resource:
Lynda @ May 3, 2013, 10:08 am
I am in Nebraska now ……… but you will be pleased to note I managed to visit “our Lady of the Sioux’ before I left SD ……..
What a cool name for a Catholic Church……. :))))))))
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 3, 2013, 11:06 am
I love the stories and spirituality of the Native American Lakota Sioux. Black Elk Speaks is a must read 🙂
… maybe
you can get some shots of a sweat lodge ??? … don’t just stick with Christian sanctuaries, lol … but post some
photos of the Catholic Church when you get a chance?
Lynda @ May 3, 2013, 11:24 am
It was great meeting you in Pine Ridge today Jez. My blog is thanks for the great stories.
Leon Matthews @ May 2, 2013, 11:10 pm
So great to meet you guyz too……… I read your blog on wounded Knee and on the Crazy Horse rock carving ……… it seems so
wrong that the Lakota people collectively do not have control of these projects or places when they are both nominally
places/projects representing something of the Lakota people to the world…….
Cheers Bro Jez XXXXXXXXX
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 3, 2013, 1:29 am
Is there any state you’ve haven’t been to? By the way, Molyneux is a happy hunting ground if your colours are claret and blue!
Lee @ May 3, 2013, 3:06 am
Funnily enough there still are a couple…….. but hopefully by the end of all this I should have corrected that………..:)))
Ah yes the
traditional Happy hunting grounds of our anscestors…….. and still today……….. the Molyneux tragic stuff for them wolves …….
Jezblog South Dakota :))
XXX @ May 3, 2013, 11:11 am
Jez lovely
to receive your good wishes from South Dakota, very much appreciated! We shall have a celebratory pint (or two) of fine ale
when you next return to Mud Island…. That map looks very inviting… all great adventures start with looking at a map of somewhere
you’ve never been before… Keep on truckin’….. Px
Paul Close @ May 3, 2013, 8:10 am
Hey mate……… that all looks so fantastic…… so happy for you…… congrats again this time from Nebraska……….:)))))))))))
Ah yes
and even though I am also using all the digital phones GPS and computers…….. there is nothing quite like a paper map for
adventure …….. its like being a scout on your 12 mile hike……. only slightly less organized……. and a tiny bit more distance
involved……… hehehehe……. I must buy you that beer on my return have fun bro love to you all :)))))))))))
Jezblog Nebraska :))
XXX @ May 3, 2013, 11:18 am

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