Happy passenger on the 2 line, NYC

Happy passenger on the 2 line, NYC


This guy really looks to be having a fun ride, his face conveys a fantastic moment of joy. I love his face especially in contrast to the others round him. He seems full of life, color and tone all the other passengers seem monochromatic, drained and lifeless. This composition really works for me too. His face is over the centre of the vanishing point for all the converging diagonal lines of the carriage (especially obvious on the roof and the hand rails). His face is therefore absolutely at the centre of the image. All the compositional elements lead to his laughing face which is nicely framed by his own arms. Its simple but works well. If I do say so myself, a great mix of the right moment and good composition.

[ 3 ] comments

  • Hey Jez, Clicked on your name from someone else’s blog and I was going through your shots.. I don’t comment on sites usually, but I have a question.. Do you always praise your own images like this? It leaves little chance for commenters to add anything worth while.. Have a great day.

    miklos @ May 7, 2006, 8:38 am

  • Yeah this was a bit gushing…. But I love this image. What I write ?…..is mostly about the contents of the images. Sometimes like in this….. I will try and analyse/deconstruct why they work for me in terms of composition technique.. etc….basically why I shot them like that……how much detail and how upbeat… er… well? It just depends what mood Im in and what I think about the image!

    jez @ May 7, 2006, 10:49 pm

  • I think it is just Jez’ style, to explain what he is doing. I don’t mind. I am in the beginning with this blog, so maybe it the end it will bother me, hehehe, just kidding 😛
    The photo is so good, you can tell that this man is communicating with the photographer. Well done!

    Kerly @ October 27, 2010, 11:18 am

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