Sara Sneaky Cigi : Covent Garden : London

Sara Sneaky Cigi : Covent Garden : London


So it has been a bit of a mad dash even by my standards …….. finished a shoot in Atlanta on Friday….. dealt with all the pictures and flew out of there Sat night ……. Arrived at London Heathrow lunchtime on Sunday ……. Did the big shoot in London all day on Monday ….. flew out today Tuesday …… ran like mad for the plane at Heathrow just because I was cutting it fine …… then the flight was a little delayed landing at JFK so I had to run like crazy again to get my next flight on to Toronto ….. I am on that plane now ……. I have no idea if my bags made it …….. I have my cameras and all priority items with me as hand baggage …… but I could really use my clothes to arrive ……. its like minus 20 or something crazy ….. its gonna be pretty nippy out there without my thermals …… Aaaaagggghhhhhh ………..

Anyway the shoot in London went pretty well ……. it was a very fast moving stressy assignment ……. we were moving the whole time …….. I had Sara the assistant wearing the the Elinchrome Ranger lighting unit in a backpack running about holding the head all day like a mobile quick thinking light stand hehehehehe….. :-)) it really was a pretty high level hassle mega stress day ………… here is Sara at the end of it all ……. having her first cigarette of the day ( She is an un-reconstructed European :-)) )…… Seen here no doubt resting and trying to calm down ……… hehehehe……. although actually I think she took it all in her stride it was only me having a nervous breakdown……

Talking of which its gonna be midnight when I land in Toronto …….. then there is only the slight question of the bags? And of course rental car? Oh yeah and the 2 hour drive ……. yeah this really has been a classic planes trains and automobiles kind of a day ……..

Cheers Jez XXXXXX

In the end…… its now 4AM in Niagara Falls….. I can hear the snow plows working away …. gotta kip ……..

[ 8 ] comments

  • Welcome to the Great White North!

    RobertB @ February 25, 2015, 7:30 am

  • Its great and its white alright …… spent a fair bit of time following the snow ploughs last night ….. I thought it wise to upgrade the rental to a 4×4 :-))) Cheers bro Jez XXX

    Jezblog Niagara Falls :-)) XXX @ February 25, 2015, 11:10 am

  • What a boring life you lead.. No wonder you never put weight on… Thinking about it, didn`t you deal with school homework in the last minute dash kind a way??? It seems to have helped you in your career..Ah yes, I think Mr Bartley,Brooks etc would be proud of you hee hee…Enjoy, and Stay Safe Bro xx

    PaulS @ February 25, 2015, 5:00 pm

  • Its true when Im rolling I eat way less …. I make up for it by camping by the fridge when I am not rolling……. me and Ringo have directly inverse proportion waistlines …. when I am around she gets skinnier cos I take her out a lot …. but I get bigger cos I am on constant fridge availability …… Interesting it sure is ……Im suffering from the legendary and no doubt untrue chinese curse……… may u live an interesting life……. its interesting alright……. but a bit knackering hehehehe…… another 4 hour nights sleep…… ah ….. oh well lets roll and miss breakfast hehehehe :-)))Cheers bro Jez XXXXXX

    Jezblog Ontario:-)) XXX @ February 26, 2015, 10:12 am

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