Ray at Mountain Pauls General Store : Putney : Vermont

Ray at Mountain Pauls General Store : Putney : Vermont


Me and Matt are in Vermont today ………. that means I have been to and photographed in all the 48 States that make up the primary block of the USA ……… that is ………. I have been to all the US States other than Hawaii and Alaska :-)))).

This photograph above is of Ray Borst who we met and photographed in Putney at Mountain Paul’s General Store in Vermont ………….. Ray is a classic character …………. retired from working for Coke ……… he worked with Coke for 20 years and is happy that they pay a good pension ………… before that he had worked with 7Up for 10 years and before that Pepsi for 5 years ……… he spent his working life working for soda companies even though he left college with a history major ……………

Like I say he is a fantastic up beat American character ……… the kind of person that makes your day ………….. :-)))))))))))))))))



[ 4 ] comments

  • Now he looks like the kind of guy you could spend a few hours talking too!… 48 states?..Matt, time to find some work elsewhere…. Surely, you want the full set now Mate?.. Hope all is good, Stay Safe Both xx

    PaulS @ May 11, 2014, 2:16 am

  • Yeah I think its time to head for Alaska and hawaai ……. especially Hawaai ……. I always wanted to go there …….. Steve McGarret was my fave TV cop as a kid ……. I’ve left a hile…….. I thgink its time I got out there and did a feature on the 5 ‘O’ ……. hehehehe……… :-))))))))))Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog:-))))) XXXXX @ May 11, 2014, 11:47 pm

  • Congrats bro ! Cheers to you Jez, nice work getting to the contiguous United States. Now we have someone who can explain to us Americans what the hell is going on with our country ! lolol

    KING OF NEW YORK HACKS @ May 11, 2014, 3:43 am

  • I’ve seen most of it……. but I never said I could explain whats goin on bro hehehehe…….. yeah I know hat alot of it looks like but explaining why or or whats goin down for some of it is way above my pay grade hehehehe………Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog:-))))) XXXXX @ May 11, 2014, 11:57 pm

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