The Red Bag : Tate Modern : London

The Red Bag : Tate Modern : London


Last night …… I went to see Feurzabruta at the Roundhouse in London ……… it was amazing…….. an amazing spectacle……… theatre for people that don’t really like theatre………..

Really it felt like a mixture of clubbing, circus and street theatre …….. the sheer excitement of tribal drumming and club music, incredible lighting and special effects stunning sets made and operated with amazing creativity, the performers bravery and personal physical skill and their enormous range in acting …….. it is all mixed for me somehow with that profound feeling that you sometimes get watching movies or being with good friends when you feel completely drawn in to the narrative but have no idea where it is going and have the feeling anything could happen ……… actually the narrative of the show isn’t really specific leaving everything open to your own interpretation and experience of it ……… but it seemed to contained something relating to the primitive battles and raw emotion that are there only slightly below the surface in everyday life ……………. it was an amazing show you should see it if you are in London ……..

I saw Jimmy Paige in the audience my friend spoke with him ……… its true a god walked amongst us ………….

Today, another friend emailed me a picture to tell me his first child was born ………….. the incredible joy of new life and the creation of a new family ……………….

Today, yet another friend rang to say his ex wife had attempted suicide and he had to fly back to be with her, try and help her and protect their children ………… shock, fear, horror and terrible sadness ………

I guess it is true ………. powerful raw primitive things ……… powerful emotional and physical phenomena ………. are happening only just below the surface in everyday life …………


I shot the image above at The Tate Modern in publlc area outside of the exhibition halls ……….. I was there to see the Paul Klee Exhibit ……… getting in a a beautiful mega blast of culture in London while I am here ………. The Klee show grew on me as I took it all in ……… the early works seemed charming but kind of lacking in importance……… by the end I was pretty seriously impressed by the whole thing collectively it had grown massively in my estimation ………. hey, anyone who is denounced by the Nazis ……. then has 17 works featured in the exhibition of ‘Degenerate Art’ put on by the Nazi’s to show how disgusting it was …….. deserves a little respect.

[ 12 ] comments

  • Fantastic shot as always Jez but this time the words really got me. I hope your friend’s wife will be ok. X

    Angela Harrod @ January 9, 2014, 3:19 am

  • Yes I find suicide too devestating to even contemplate generally …… so sad for her ….. for him …… for their children……. just devestating …… I think she is doing OK ……. hopefully she will recover physically and mentally………. and the kids will get through it with out too much emotional and mental damage………. here’s hoping……..Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 9, 2014, 8:49 am

  • Fuerzabruta and Jimmy Paige all in one night pretty amazing evening out !

    Kevin ‘Guitar’ Wil @ January 9, 2014, 6:42 am

  • Its true matey 🙂 I just heard its Jimmy Paige’s 70th birthday today ….. Happy Birthday Jimmy !!!!! :-))))))) Cheers Jez XXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 9, 2014, 8:51 am

  • Sad to know some people are having such a difficult and sad time over the holiday like your friends ex wife. People can often feel worse when others appear to be enjoying life in the winter holidays. It’s so sad when people attempt suicide at any point seems even more desolate at this time of year.

    Kathy K @ January 9, 2014, 7:30 am

  • Desolate is the word ……… it really is…….Cheers Jez XXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 9, 2014, 8:52 am

  • Desolate indeed…some of us just manage to hide it a bit better than others.Nice image.
    Harv.! x

    Harv.! @ January 9, 2014, 11:17 am

  • Desolation boulevard…………… :-((((( XXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 10, 2014, 12:46 pm

  • Abusive British police officer seizes camera in public, states images must be deleted

    Harv.! @ January 9, 2014, 4:18 pm

  • Jezuz……… these cops just make it up as they go along…… bunch of fascists…… really…… ‘you have to ask me for permission to photograph’ or breathe …….. freedom of the press or the individual is absolute as long as you do what i say ….. yeah go ahead first seek my permission before doing anything…… depressing……..Cheers bro Jez XXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 10, 2014, 12:45 pm

  • Been a long time since I Rock `n` Rolled!…All that pleasure, yet still the pain continues…Yin + Yang and all that…Hope your ok Mate… Stay Safe Bro xx

    PaulS @ January 9, 2014, 5:16 pm

  • I think Im good just about ……. Hope you are more than good bro……Cheers Jez XXXXXXXXXX

    Jezblog London :-))))) XXXXX @ January 10, 2014, 12:47 pm

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