Image description:
This is me at the fantastic event to honor the mega artist Chuck Close and raise Money for the Guild Hall …….. I am pictured with the man himself he really is a great bloke :-))))))))))))) ………… Well, now its 4-30AM …….. I think I started partying at 5PM……. Hey it’s The Hamptons………. I never did get to meet up with Bazza J H …….. He is here somewhere partying at other places in this neck of the woods………. Bazza is my old Insight mate from London but he is now based in LA ……… so I really ought to make sure I meet him when he comes over to the East………. But sadly I blew it……….. I never did get to meet another old mate JZ either………… oh well …… as you see above…… at least I got to meet the mega artist Chuck Close…….. I said to him last time I saw you .. you were wearing black ?……….. So I wore black especially ……….. now you are wearing technicolor ?? …………… hehehehehe…………. he said he used to wear black all the time for forty years………. then he changed……… now he never wears black ………… I said what? No one tells me anything? I need to get with the program :-))))) ………. :-)))))))))))) hehehehehehe……….
PS ………. This photo is shot by my cousin ……….. but he prefers not to have a by-line …………….. so much more modest than the rest of us hehehehe ……….. :-)))))))))))))))) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
PPS ……. I heard rumor Chuck was swayed by the preferences of his new girlfriend …….. and having now met her tonight too ……. I think fair enough Chuck …….. If thats her preference no more black outfits is a good call :-)) XXXXXXXXXXXX
PPPS ……… All joking aside ……. you should see the show at the Guild Hall Chuck close really is a genius. :-)))))))))) XXXXXXXXXXXX
[ 13 ] c omments
Does that mean blac k is out for y ou now as well J C?.. Cant s ee y ou in the s ame ` thr eads `
as Mr Clos e,but hey , y ou nev er k now..G lad to s ee y our not was ting y our fr ee time by s
leeping.. hee,hee.. Stay Safe Br o
PaulS @ Augus t 10, 2013, 5:09 am
You k now when I was in Niger ia I was pr etty impr es s ed by the har dc or e loud c lothes s ome
of the guy s wer e wear ing and Chuc k s eems to hav e embr ac ed that look … I s hould per haps
go bac k to Lagos and c ome bac k with a whole new war dr obe … Ins pir ed by thos e c ool Niger
ians and Chuc k : ) ) .. Chuc k is def a s ty le leader … U will be wear ing a number lik e Chuc
k has on s ooner than u think Br o …. But meantime I am s till in my 40 y ear s of blac k r ight
now hehehe…… T r ad c ool…And u do not appear in r eflec tions in y our s hots …. Can be us
eful …. Hehehe…. Cheer s br o wow I r eally need to k ip …. : / : ) ) ) ) ) XX J ez XXX
J ez blog NYC iPhone : ) ) @ Augus t 11, 2013, 12:30 am
T he ar tis t and the ar tis t, With J ez Couls on lol Kathy K @ Augus t 11, 2013, 1:52 am
Nev er been muc h of a Chuc k Clos e fan, but eac h to their own and all that…it would be a dull
wor ld if we all lik ed the s ame thing ? Alway s thought it was odd why s ome “ar tis ts ” made
mas s iv e pr ints /paintings as if the s iz e alone giv es it mer it. T he s ame thing s
ometimes happens at photogr aphic s hows , mas s iv e pr ints …as if that s omehow mak es the
image a better image ?…may be it’s jus t me…may be that’s a good thing, lol.
Har v .! @ Augus t 11, 2013, 12:36 pm
Yeah as they s ay s iz e is n’t ev er y thing hehehe…. But CC ‘s s tuff has s omething es pec
ially when it is mas s iv e…. T her e is s omething s pec ific about his v is ion …. Kind of
unr elenting … It is gr eat to be in a r oom full of his wor k s the ey es definetly hav e
it….. How he paints is amaz ing with all the emphas is on eac h tile or pix el as it wer e…. I
do lik e him…. And he has ov er c ome a lot to get wher e he is … Hav ing tec hnic ally died at
leas t onc e… Hey Cuc k he is alr ight : ) ) ) ) ) hehehehehe…..
J ez blog @ Augus t 11, 2013, 5:08 pm
I think that’s s uppos ed to s ay : hey y ou k now … Chuc k … He’s alr ight !!! : ) ) ) XX J
ez blog NYC iPhone : ) ) @ Augus t 11, 2013, 8:09 pm
You need s ome mus ic on y our blog, I pos ted this tr ac k a few mins ago, J apan : Q uiet Life ao9sqxBq8o
Don’t for get the k nees ( that won’t mean any thing until y ou r ead my blog pos t,lol)
Har v .! @ Augus t 12, 2013, 3:03 pm
T he k nees ar e impor tant in photogr aphy ……… I s ee them…….. I s ee them
on y our danc er ………. k nees ar e all impor tant in photohr aphy in the s ubjec t almos
t alway s …. and in the photogr apher thems elv es pr etty well alway s ……… I alway s s ay
to y oung photogr apher s dont c ar r y too muc h s tuff……… and think about k nee pr otec tor
s when k neeling all day ……….. other wis e u will end up with s er ious ly hur ty k nees
……. If y ou ar e not c ar eful y our k nees will mak e y ou howl lik e G ins ber g :
“who fell on their k nees in hopeles s c athedr als pr ay ing for eac h other ’s s alv ation and
light and br eas ts , until the s oul illuminated its hair for a s ec ond,
who c r as hed thr ough their minds in jail waiting for impos s ible c r iminals with golden heads
and the c har m of r eality in their hear ts who s ang s weet blues to Alc atr az ,”
jez blog : ) ) XXX @ Augus t 12, 2013, 4:27 pm
By the way …… that s ong by J apan……. tak es me bac k ……. I had a gir lfr
iend who thought I look ed lik e Dav id
Sy lv ian……. lov ed to put ey e liner on me to mak e it mor e tr ue……..
hehehe……. s he lov ed that tr ac k …… :
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) XXXXXXX
jez blog : ) ) XXX @ Augus t 12, 2013, 4:29 pm
T hat’s funny , I went to s ee Dav id Sy lv ian while I was at Medway …he was play ing at the
Hammer s mith O deon.
T ook a gir l c alled Kar in, s he s tudied potter y at Medway , alway s c ov er ed in c lay and
dus t…met her at c hatham r ailway s tation, s he was in a dr es s and high heels , s
he look totally differ ent and s tunning….long hair ed br unettes …c an’t get away fr om
them, lol.
Har v .! @ Augus t 12, 2013, 6:44 pm
Ah the potter y gir ls at medway …… now thats another s tor y entir ely …… I k new a potter
y and dus t c ov er ed gir l at Medway …… hehehehe….. s he was gr eat…… : ) ) ) ) ) ) )
) ) ) ) ) )
T alk ing of k nees …….. this is the T s hir t…… : ) ) ) ) ) )
jez blog : ) ) XXX @ Augus t 12, 2013, 7:08 pm
Q : “I am pic tur ed with the man hims elf he r eally is a gr eat blok e” …….. Well what wer e
y ou ex pec ting fr om s omone named Clos e? Hope
all is well Mr .C?
Paul Clos e @ Augus t 12, 2013, 9:37 am
All is well br o……. Clos e’s r alway s gr eat blok es its a well k nown fac t br o : ) ) ) ) )
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cheer s J ez XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
jez blog : ) ) XXX @ Augus t 12, 2013, 10:36 am