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Gay Pride was riding high in New York City this weekend. Following the Supreme Court rulings in favor of Gay Marriage in the week …….
amongst other things the Supreme Court struck down the hated DOMA (Defence of Marriage Act) that defined marriage as between a man and
a woman …….. Its removal leaves the door open to proper marriage equality in many states ………. so people on the Gay Pride parade were
understandablly jubilant today ………. I saw these guys Marquis and Joseph kissing …….. when I spoke to them later and showed them the
picture …. they were delighted ………. and said they would be happy to be on this blog and anywhere else because the photograph showed
their love …… and pride ………. :)))))))))))
PS……… President Obama spoke to praise the Supreme Court Ruling in the same speech as he praised Nelson Mandelas fight for justice in
South Africa :
PPS……… The ANC government brought full marriage equality within 10 years of taking over from the Apatheid government in South Africa
“I am not truly free if I am taking away someone else’s freedom, just as surely as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me. The
oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity.” Nelson Mandela
[ 7 ] comments
I guess it is about time to grant eqality to homosexual couples.
Navin Harish @ July 1, 2013, 4:58 am
I just put this up top in the main text as a PS…… I think its generally true though that you can’t go too far wrong if you listen to the
words of Nelson Mandela………
“I am not truly free if I am taking away someone else’s freedom, just as surely as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me.
The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity”. Nelson Mandela
His was a true comitment to freedom…… “The struggle is my life”……. its good to honor him as he seems to be drawing to the end of
his time by renewing our comitment to freedom for all ……… and doing what we can to ensure personal freedom and equality for all
people in our own societies.
jezblog NYC :))
XXX @ July 1, 2013, 10:08 am
on the one hand it’s fantastic that this has finally happened in the U.S., on the other hand it’s depressing it’s taken until 2013 for it to
happen…and even then on a 5: 4 majority and with massive hurdles to come.
They were joking on the Daily Show that finally “America has been pulled kicking and screaming into the 20th century” lol.
I’m happy for Marquis and Joseph and all those that this affects personally…hopefully it all means something.
Take care.
Harv.! @ July 1, 2013, 6:17 am
It’s not over till the lady with slight weight issues sings…….. as they say round here……… and I don’t hear her yet………. there does
seem to be a trajectory building and a slim majority consensus coming in favor of marriage equality…….. but the power of more
reactionary political groups and church groups here is being used to block any progress at every point……. and these Supreme
Court judgements just send it all back to the States……. each State has to be hard fought and hard won ……. but some of the
individual laws have been overturned……. so in some States the way is more open …….. but others its gonna be tough………… yeah
as Mandela puts it……. it’s a ‘long walk to freedom’……. and I agree with Jon Stewart….. its kind of embarassing for the US to be
behind many European States even the odd African State on issues of freedom, justice, personal liberty and equality under the law
……… after all thats supposed to be the whole US philosophy !!!
jezblog NYC :))
XXX @ July 1, 2013, 10:31 am
They should have invited some of your `friends` from the Southern States up to celebrate with them…Then again,maybe not.. Its about
time,like you say Jez.. Land of the Free?.. Stay Safe Bro xx
PaulS @ July 1, 2013, 3:34 pm
Yes, I expect that one or two of the religious folks I have photographed on my journeys in the US might not include homosexual
marriage as a freedom they were interested in defending ……. But they often say they are interested in defending freedom……. It is
interesting and fitting that South Africa was I think the first country in the world to recognize gay Marriage? Certainly the first in
Africa…… not sure about the world ? ……. but in the end freedom to do what you want if it not hurting others really is what personal
freedom is……….. its odd that some of the folks who are so big on personal freedom……. want to oppress others out of a freedom
that allows them to officially and openly be with the person they love……… there cannot be a more personal freedom surely
jezblog NYC :))
XXX @ July 1, 2013, 7:48 pm
Yes, I expect that one or two of the religious folks I have photographed on my journeys in the US might not include homosexual
marriage as a freedom they were interested in defending ……. But they often say they are interested in defending freedom……. It is
interesting and fitting that South Africa was I think the first country in the world to recognize gay Marriage? Certainly the first in
Africa…… not sure about the world ? ……. but in the end freedom to do what you want if it not hurting others really is what personal
freedom is……….. its odd that some of the folks who are so big on personal freedom……. want to oppress others out of a freedom
that allows them to officially and openly be with the person they love……… there cannot be a more personal freedom surely
jezblog NYC :))
XXX @ July 1, 2013, 7:48 pm