Image description:
This slightly peculiar image above needed something offthewall
……… Something you just don’t normally get on Jezblog ? ……….hmmmmm
……. What about this below from a slightly offthewall
friend of mine in the bible belt ? ……… He sent this sent to me tonight on facebook as
part of a discussion regarding ‘The Holy Bible by Broomberg and Chanarin’ ……. Mighty artists who have really done something pretty amazing
and certainly offthewall
to the King James Bible ……. I went to the launch party the other day and am the proud owner of a signed copy
Anyway my friend wrote this:
“Part of the difficulty in reading the Bible is the genre matters. Parts of the Bible are written like old Westerns. The “villain” is not given fair,
historical treatment, because that’s not the point of the story. And parts of the Bible are written from the perspective of providence, as if God
were behind everything, good and bad. There is a theological tension in the Bible between the claim that God sends the rain on the good and
bad alike, and the claim that God grieves over the loss of even one little sparrow.
When trying to talk about Transcendence, regardless of whether you even think that Transcendence exists, one runs up again linguistic
hurdles. Physicists run into the same problem when trying to talk about the universe, as it really is, to those of us whose ideas of big are
limited to the distance between North Carolina and London. Our everyday words just won’t suffice.
One can read the Bible as a big bad bully in the sky who makes lists of rules and then punishes people for not following them, but I don’t think
it is a very fair or nuanced reading. It is a popular reading, but I think that has as much to do with our human tendency to want to divide the
world into two easy camps of good and bad: Americans good/Foreigners bad, Christians good/NonChristians
bad, or NonChristians good/Christians bad… The Bible is much more nuanced.”
I think that just about says it all about plastic stags too ………… they maybe involved in symbolic transcendence? But Im not sure? ……… but
whatever happens any response to a plastic stag needs to be sort of nuanced……….. :))))
[ 6 ] comments
Chain link fence is such an American phenomena, like metal storage buildings dumped on people’s properties. I can’t stand it. Its so
utilitarian and ugly. It will never possess rustic charm like wooden shed or even a rusty barbed wire fence… other than that I love this
shot 🙂
Matt @ June 10, 2013, 9:38 pm
Funnily enough I had choosen this image partly because of the fence……. I know its a distraction……. I have the same view without
it……. and yet I just found the fence version somehow more informative……… more human…….. i weirdly found the fence kinda
necessary……… :)))
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 11, 2013, 3:01 am
This picture in transcendent 🙂
Kathy K @ June 11, 2013, 7:32 am
Thank you ……… :)))))))
hehehehe……… I thought it was just the plastic stag…. too much to claim its the picture ……. but hey the
transcendent is in the eye of the beholder hehehehe……….
Jezblog London :))
XXX @ June 11, 2013, 7:36 am
yes Kathy positively
‘transcendent’, he made that scene beautiful. JC has the eye of an OWL.
ann odyne @ July 28, 2013, 10:16 pm
hehehehe………. As a kid I was in the owl patrol in scouts……… :))))
Thanks A
jezblog :))
XXX @ July 29, 2013, 12:09 am