Waiting at 7th & 23rd : New York City
I'm hanging at FedEx waiting for Matt to finish sending some of my pictures to Germany. I observe the girl for some time....... she seems to be waiting....... but no…
I'm hanging at FedEx waiting for Matt to finish sending some of my pictures to Germany. I observe the girl for some time....... she seems to be waiting....... but no…
23rd Street NYC is of infinite interest to me. I spend time just hanging... watching the world go by. This is another shot from a stool in the window of…
More from my wait at FedEx.........a return to my obsession with photographing NYC cabs. [ 4 ] comments Beauty! joe @ September 18, 2006, 9:57 am Your work is spellbinding;…
I have never been convinced people actually have fun on these rides that spin them and drop them and spin them around over and over....... then high in the air…
Its all bright colours and spectacle at the New York State Fair ........... a fellow photographer working up there told me to expect "Americana on Steroids" it's certainly a crazy…
On my way to the fair .......... I was listening to a WNYC podcast program about image manipulation in news. It was a discussion program that was scheduled after all…
The New York State Fair is just like you might imagine it would be in the 1940's. It seems timeless and unchanged with award winning pigs and huge shire horses,…
Im back in NYC looking out of my window again..... after a quick dash off to Syracuse to see Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband 'Bill'..... as it appears…